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Friday, August 1, 2014

Pulkam 2014

Hiiiiii ^^~ finally i'm in home yeay! after visiting my grandparents house in banten. fiuuhh... been 2 days in there has made my body stronger than before, because their house is in the top of one of the mountain in a mountain range so we had to walk-more-like-climbing from a house to another house. Yes quite tiring but it's not a big deal :).  This Year pulkam was different from last year because , last year were only me and my dad who went to there but this time all of us (my family members) went together, that's the important thing. The place is more like mountain-village so the air is fresher than in bekasi, tress everywhere, people were so nice and polite.

i took this pic in the middle of trip

they have some kind of traditions to celebrate eid mubarak and for me it's quite different and rare to do in such an event because they held a contests just like the contests when we as indonesian do when celebrate our independent day! such as : panjat pinang, makan kerupuk, pecahin balon. hahaha

well i can't tell you more about my trip because we didn't go to anyer beach or some tourists area because of the traffic! it was crowded and impossible for us to go there so we stayed at home and after 2 days we went to Bekasi so there's nothing to tell about. 

But it was actually quite good and we were really having fun ^^~

xoxo -monika

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