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Saturday, September 26, 2015

[Review] Yes Or No 2.5


This is monika speaking!

Akhirnya kesampaian juga buat review film ini muehehe.

Halo tiniiz apa kabar? semoga kalian baik-baik aja ya! Kali ini mau membahas tentang film yang paling kita tunggu-tunggu dari awal tahun , hehe xD. Akhirnya gue punya waktu juga untuk buat postingan macam ini. Oh ya, kebetulan karena gue gak begitu ahli dalam mereview jadi kalau ditengah jalan postingan ini agak ngawur dan gaje maklumin aja ya haha xD okedeh '-')b

Jadi.... kemarin itu ceritanya baru selesai nonton film ini yang pastinya sudah dengan subtitle, dan dari awal film sampai akhir tuh gue gak berenti-berenti nya merhatiin setiap scene dan menilai akting para pemain, (duileh sutradara juga bukan pake nilai orang segala wkwkwk) oke lanjut. Sebelum nonton gue juga udah sering banget liat komentar-komentar para fans dari sosial media maupun youtube . Kalo dari komentar-komentar yang gue temuin gak sedikit orang yang merasa kurang puas, tapiiiii..... gak sedikit pula orang yang muji film ini. Ada yang bilang film nya lambat lah (gue gak tau maksud nya lambat tuh kayak gimana), membosankan lah... dan yang paling banyak adalah komentar tentang bagaimana film ini nggak seseru film-film terdahulu nya karena yang main bukan couple kesayangan mereka  *nyengir kuda*. Tapi semua orang kan bebas berpendapat, sama juga kayak gue ini so dari pada kebanyakan bacot langsung aja deh ya!



     (duh lupa mau ngomong apa) Oh ya, karena sebelum film nya rilis gue udah tau sinopsis nya jadi gue udah bisa bayangin bakalan kayak apa film nya, gue juga ga banyak ber-ekspektasi ngalor ngidul kejauhan, karena kalau ngeliat film sebelum nya tentu fans tau bahwa film besutan ComeOnSweet ini menyuguhkan film yang sederhana dengan tetap menonjolkan maksud dan pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada para penonton. Jadi waktu nonton film ini gak ada tuh ekspektasi bakalan ada adegan tina buka baju ataupun adegan ranjang sama lawan main nya *ga gitu juga sih ya* makanya untuk plot mungkin gue gabisa cerita banyak nanti #sokoke. Oh ya ini kan lagi mau bahas tentang karakter......... okesip.
Nah! jadi... eh bentar deh, bahas siapa dulu ya... uhm...Tina dulu aja kali ya?. Okedeh... Jadi seperti yang gue udah pernah bahas disini sinopsis yon 2.5 karakter Tina itu calm mature person gitu, yang agak dewasa dan kalem, di sinopsis pun tertulis kalau Wine, karakter yang diperankan Tina ini adalah karakter yang GAMON (Gagal Move On) jadi kebayang dong kayak apa? hihihihi... dan setelah nonton film nya, penilaian gue terhadap Tina itu 7,5 dari 10. Iya, kalo dibilang puas ya belum nyampe hati banget, tapi kalo dibilang kecewa pun yang gak separah itu juga. Entah, rasa nya tina disini kelihatan ogah-ogahan akting nya lalu juga ada kesan diwajahnya yang kelihatan kayak "ini gue harus berusaha kalem coy" jadi sepanjang film itu tina cuma 3/4 kali bisa senyum lebar sisanya kayak begini nih...

ini pas dipaksa makan buah sama Pii

Pokoknya ditekuk mulu muka nya, weitss tapi masalah masih ganteng atau ngga ya bisa liat disini lah *mimisan*

aduh ga kuat nerusin postingan kalau ngeliat foto Tina diatas *masih mimisan*

Oke lanjut! Sekarang Kita ke Nann... well, i must say NANN AKTING MU BAGUS SEKALI MBAK! *eh mbak atau mas ya? wkwkwkw* SERIUSAN!!! KARAKTERNYA DAPET!!! OMG! OMG !OMG.!. Oke, mungkin gue agak lebay tapi jujur dari awal scene sampe akhir dia meranin karakter Pii itu dapet! Nagging nya dapet, nyelow nya dapet unyuk nya dapet lucuk nya dapet kayak gini nih

dan ini scene terbaik di film hahahah!

Asli gue ngakak dan geli sendiri liat nya xD...

Lanjut Ke Hongyok, well kalau untuk yang satu ini gue ga terlalu banyak nilai karena kayak nya karakter Fah ini karakter Hongyok di kehidupan nyata xD yang ceria banget terus supel pokoknya cocok lah sama Nann, dan waktu adegan sedih nya juga lumayan lah...

Dan yang terakihr adalah Pekae yang berperan sebagai Pim, menurut gue untuk debut film pertama ada nilai plus dan minus nya nih... nilai plus nya adalah wajah pekae ini sudah cocok sekali dengan wajah-wajah cewek pendiam yang galau nentuin arah dan tujuan hidupnya, tapi minus nya adalah sama dengan Tina, disini dia peran nya terus-terusan sedih alhasil penonton ngga bisa liat ekspressi lain dari pekae.

she's indeed a cutie!

Dari semua karakter yang berhasil nancep dihati gue adalah Nann!

Plot & Pengambilan Adegan

   Untuk plot nya sendiri, kalau kalian udah baca sinopsis nya, ya gimana ya..... kalian gak akan lagi dapetin surprise dari film ini, karena pas gue tonton gue langsung ngerasa "waduh itu sinopsis kayaknya bukan sinopsis tapi spoiler keseluruhan" karena apa yang udah ditulis semua nya terjadi dan film nya pun ga ngasih kejutan apa-apa. To' apa yang ada disinopsis. Dan untuk pengambilan adegan *eh pengambilan adegan atau gambar ya?* ya terserah lah ya... difilm ini kerasa banget berbedaaaaaaaa dari film sebelumnya bahkan gue sempat menobatkan Kirati Nakintanon adalah sutradara yang berhasil bikin gue ngeh bahwa sebuah film series ini sutradara nya berbeda. Gaya pengambilan gambar di film ini jauh berbeda sama film terdahulunya yang disutradari oleh Sarasawadee Wongsompetch atau yang lebih dikenal dengan P'Nay. Di film ini adegan nya lebih dramatis ketimbang YON 1&2, dan mungkin itu mengapa banyak fans yang bilang film ini lambat karena kalau sebelum nya film YON  ini lebih cepet (maksudnya scene nya ga dramatis banget) seperti film-film romance sewajarnya kalau di YON 2,5 ini setiap scene dibuat lebih jelas dan yak lambat karena di dramatisir itu, tapi itu yang membuat film ini kerasa cepet tapi lambat/?. Maksudnya adalah dalam segi jalan cerita menurut gue film ini terlalu cepet, contoh nya aja kisah Pii sama Fah, cuma mereka ketemu terus si Pii coba nyomblangin Fah sama Wine eh terus Fah malah suka sama Pii udah gitu doang, ya masa tiba-tiba cuma 3 harian kenal sama Pii si Fah udah bisa cinta mati? kan gak etis banget, ga ada tuh yang nama nya masa-masa tumbuh benih-benih cinta, atau perasaan gundah gulana yang gak tau asal nya dari mana. Dan per-scene itu bener-bener di dramatasir banget kayak pas Mereka Ber-empat ketemu di apartement mereka, pas si Pim dateng dan langsung Wine mukanya galau, itu yang bikin pengambilan gambar di film ini sama film-film terdahulunya beda.

    Untuk perbedaan lain nya adalah seperti yang gue bilang diatas, film ini sederhana tapi tetap menonjolkan pesan yang mau disampaikan. Cuma di film ini ada scene yang lebih 'berani' ketimbang film sebelum nya, mereka lebih terbuka dan kesan film Les nya itu lebih berwarna karena bukan cuma menyoroti kisah cinta tapi ada sedikit tentang kehidupan cewek tomboy. Dan itu gue acungin jempol '-')b masalah yang dihadapin oleh ke empat karakter masih sama dengan film yang lain *ya gimana ya nama nya juga film les* tentang nature, culture dan juga jamur *lho* abis apalagi ya yang bisa diangkat dari kisah percintaan seperti ini kalau bukan tentang hal seperti itu.

 Di film ini sutradara berusaha untuk mengangkat kisah cinta mereka ber-empat secara bersamaan yang mana menurut gue itu bikin gak fokus karena bingung ini cerita tentang siapa karena perhatian kita terbagi jadi dua kisah cinta dan yap! betul sekali itu lah tujuan dari film ini, jadi... sepertinya ComeOnSweet berhasil buat film ini! Dan lalu pesan yang ingin disampaikan juga terlaksana dengan baik. Kalau kalian nonton nya pakai otak dan hati pasti ngerti apa pesan yang disampaikan. Ya seenggaknya lo punya pendapat sendiri film ini itu maksudnya apa.

Bagi gue film ini adalah  *aduh tiba-tiba lupa kosakata nya* contoh atau cerita pendek dari everyday struggle pasangan les, dimana mareka masih cinta satu sama lain tapi karena adat istiadat, maupun hal-hal disekeliling mereka yang membuat susah untuk memperjuangkan cinta mereka, dimana film ini menyampaikan bahwa "Cinta itu dari hati, dan gak seharusnya dibedakan oleh gender" semua orang seharusnya bebas memilih mana yang dia suka untuk jadi pendamping nya. Tapi semua itu terkendala oleh alam. Ya true love lah bahasa simple nya #eaaaa

Mungkin segitu aja review tentang film ini! Capek juga ngetik 555555 . Dan ini dia penilaian gue untuk film ini untuk keseluruhan :


Friday, September 25, 2015

Yes Or No 2,5 Download Link [ENG SUB]


Sorry for the late update, i've been busy doing some stuffs, and had no time to update the download link. But... Finally i can make it! thanks for the uploader (youtube user: xxx idgexxx). This is what we've been looking for! 5555

And this is for you who asking for the engsub!


Part 1
Part 2

-xoxo monika

Wednesday, September 16, 2015



this is monika speaking!

(idk how to start, but . . .)

As a normal human being, i also celebrate my annual birthday (it's not that, i celebrate it with cake and candles and some balloons) only some "happy birthday" from my family and friends, then feeling a lil bit grateful after that. I'm actually not that kind of person who loves celebrate my birthday by make a party for myself, family and friends. My mom asked me if i want to buy a birthday cake to celebrate it, and i said no, because i have always been like this... i will only celebrate it when i want to, and usually i'll make a plan from january HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yes.

If i feel like i shouldn't celebrate it, then i won't.

So...what i want to write here is.... adalah segala ke gundahan hati ini #ceileh.... but first i'm gonna write about something that hit me, the day before my b'day. That night my parents were having a 'war' and my mom cried, and i always hate her for doing that. I mean she's always being childish, drag me in into her problem with my dad, i know they are my parents but it isn't something that i should know because sometimes they're arguing over something unimportant and childish. But then something hit me hard, then i start to wake up.... some thoughts cross my mind. And one of them is... the thought "my mom needs a friend" and then i start to think, about how she deals with her everyday problem, how she argues over something useless, and how she overreacts when my dad come home late. She is need a friend, she needs someone who understands her, she wants someone on her side that won't tell that she's wrong or blame her. Technically i failed as a daughter. I only think about myself, i only think that i'm the only person who got many problems, i only think that i'm the saddest person in house, then i don't want someone drag me in into their problem because i think i already have so much burdens on my shoulders. At the end it led me being a selfish bitch. Ungrateful prick.

I didn't imagine i'm an adult now. And being an adult means:

You realized that...

your mother is not as strong as you think

your father needs you to help him out of his own problems

your parents are weak

Yes, they are weak, and you... you need to help them. I mean, i always think my parents are a great couple, a great person, like... they know how to handle their own problems, they know how to deal with life more than i do. But as i grew up i realized that they are not that 'great'. We as their children need to stop thinking that "my parents don't need my help, they know how to deal with their own problems more than i do". BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT. They need help too... but they never ask. And i think it's kinda sad knowing that there are people who need help but they never ask for it, and that people is our parents.

I just realized this.... all of this.
I've always thought, why should i help them? i'm their child, that's their problem, that's not my place, they are my parents they'll know how to handle it.

But now i know that my parents' problems are my problems too...

Being a 19-year-old girl.

Well, i think this is what they say about "Growing up" both physically and mentally. Physically, i've changed since 5 or 6 years ago HAHAHAHA yeah but still, this chubby cheeks and fat-belly won't go from my body and face. Lol. What else? uhm.. oh yea I'm taller than when i was in 7th grade of junior high school, i was 150 and now i'm 158. Yes 8 cm taller in 5 years , i'm so happy.

After graduated from high school and start working, i start to apply some makeup (i mean bb cream, eyeshadow and blush on kkkkk~), I can draw my own eyebrows!!! i get some compliments from my friends about it HAHAHAHAHA. What else huh? uhm... i'm still left-handed but somewhat my right hand is stronger than my left hand idk why.

the left one taken in january 2015,
and the right one idk but i think, it was taken in 2009

Aaaand this is me now

i only put bb cream muehehehe (taken in last monday)
yeah, i've changed.


Yes yes i'm a college girl now! I study at Univ. Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, faculty of Psychology. Started since september 7th , yeah been 2 two weeks puahahaha... so good. And.... as a college girl i have my own essentials, here they are...

this is tiny notes i use to write something really important

This is my notebook

 People usually use binder for school like this as their notebook

 (sebenernya gue juga pengen beli yang kaya gitu, tapi apa daya...... gue jijik sama bolong nya itu)

I don't know if i have tyrophobia or what-ever-ppl-called-it, but the thing is that holes are disgusting and got me goosebumps whenever i look at it. So i choose main aman aja , besides the notebook i bought is indeed a cutie pie, muehehehe it's colorfullsssss, and it's imported from korea! Yas!

 i don't have much to say about my college life, but i'm thinking to write more in the future.

Can we skip this college girl thingy?? and move on?

OKAY! That was about how i physically changed and start being a college girl . Now shall we start to how i mentally changed?

i think...... *drum rolls* i've changed sooooooooooooo much,,, WAIT i think it's supposed to be "growing up" not "changed", yes it is...  i've grown up from daddy's lil girl to daddy's big girl.

At this age, i feel some significant changes inside me, some good and some bad. I often found or realize the new (real) meaning of every things i was looking for. From the simplest thing 'till the hard one. Yet i'm still learning imnida~ now i'm able to control my words... my anger (except to my brother, cus i hate him. okno) jadi lebih sering mengamati ketimbang berpartisipasi. Tapi yang lucunya adalah gue tetep jadi orang yang easy going (bentar ini kenapa campur bahasa gini nulisnya ??). Well, in my previous post i wrote about how i became anti-social, and not as easy going as i used to. But then i realized that i AM still an easy going person, it's just i hate people around me at that time, so i chose to being quite and i pulled my self out of circle, but being an "easy going" person is not define in one situation only, an easy going person is define by how she/he reacts to new people and how she/he interacts with them in every single occasion. I find there are people who hard to reach, like they keep their own circle for themselves so we as an easy going person think it's frustrating. We need to try  hard to get their attention, and we feel like we're worthless, but actually that's how some people live their life. That's happen to me... i always frustrated when people did not notice my presence, i always want to reach and talk with new people i met. I want to get closer with them and want them to notice my presence. I'm not affraid to open my mouth first to start a conversation. That's the simple definition of an easy going person.

(capek ngetik...)

Intinya.... i'm happy and grateful for whatever happened to me and what i've been through . All the pain are worth it. Every struggle make me strong and wise. I'm happy that i don't have a "beautiful" life instead i have a valuable life, i'm happy for that! . I'm grateful because Allah gave me my parents, an imperfect kind of creature who always fight and argue over each other, drag me in into their problem. My mom who always told me that i'm not pretty, i look old, and whatsoever. My dad who did not able to buy me a laptop, the newest shoes, bags and clothes. They are perfect in their own imperfection. They give me so much life lessons, they show me how to be strong when life gone wrong. I also need to focus to my future since now i have college life, and i'm working too. Studying while working and working while studying. And i must reach my goals.

The last... I'm officially declare that i'm in! ! ! I'm an adult now so i'll start to act like one.

-xoxo Monika