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Monday, August 4, 2014

hhh.... facebook

I’m getting tired of facebook

Getting tired of facebook? Now? Why now? Where are you when other people got tired of it for like  a long time ago, where have you been, mon? did you just woke up from death or something?

Well… its not like that, its just.... some people on my timeline TODAY are really disgusting i mean, they're buzzing ga jelas, show-off, post a shitty status about how miserable their life is, bragging about something that they maybe-have. Facebook nowadays is full of people who you really want to punch in the face, like they're telling about their not-so-important life, what they're doing now, attention whore everywhere, they think that people really care about them, they turn into some pieces of shit . AND I'M REALLY REALLY TIRED. Can some people just stop posting about useless things? because not all of people like it, just like me i don't really want to know about what's going on to them.

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