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Monday, January 26, 2015

Knoon past marriage rumor!

Hello! This is Monika Speaking!

So. I just want to share my opinion about K’ status.

Not so long ago some of Tina’s fans were brought this thing up for the many times “Knoon past marriage and had baby” and yeah the first time I found out this gossip was in the early 2014 at that time i'm still unsure about it, I once saw a picture of K with her ‘hubby’ and her ‘child’ but I just happen forgot about where I got the rumor, and when I googled it a week ago the blogpost once I read has been deleted , …. But fortunately someone sent me this and yeah… this one fu*king  picture ruined us

it published in april 2013 on instagram, that guy' instagram. It makes all the fans think that it's real about K status, but then again..... truth is the truth.

I once believe it because you know as tina's fans who really want tina with someone else(i wish it's a man, hahahahhah) is kinda hard to accept the truth. It's just, you know.....
After i saw the picture, this morning i went to that guy instagram and after a couple minutes i looking at his IG, i come up with the conlcusion that ......


If you go to his Instagram you'll know and maybe we have the same thought. It's a joke, i mean that guy is one of K' team mate in the Radio where K works at, it's MET 107. You must be wondering what the reason why i can conclude that it's a joke?
And there's this picture....

If he's really a married man he won't do this, am i right? i mean he has a wife and a son but he took picture with two girls and publish it? It's just make no sense at all, If he really a married man he won't do it. And also, there are many picture of him with other girls... that prove he's not K' Hubby, and prove that K is not a widow with a child. And the mystery is CLEAR!

-xoxo monika

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tina Jittaleela - Gentle Sun MV Storyline

This is monika speaking!

Today, Tina's First chinese MV is OUT! just like what i've said here The Painter First MV & Tina Jittaleela first chinese Debut , yeah it's her first chinese debut! TINA IS GO INTERNATIONAL !! Wohooooo!!

For you who hasn't watch the MV, here i give you the storyline xD Enjoy!

"Tina's new MV 温柔的太阳(Gentle Sun) makes it first début release today. Tina wish to thank all her Chinese fans around the world for supporting her with this song. This MV instill the belief that, we need to treasure the people that always by our side and giving us the energy to move on. 

MV Storyline: 
Tina acts as a quiet and not well sociable girl in the MV. But she has a very high standard of drawing skill. Liu xin acts as Tina's friend in the MV and is on a very close term with the Male Lead, Tao. Tao is a well converse guy that always can brings laughter to people. In a lesson call "Arts & Scenery", the lecturer assigned them to go on practical trip, teaching those poor living condition kids on drawing.
They have to faced the problem that the parent isn't willing to let strangers to teach their kids.Therefore it is always Tao & Liu xin are the ones to solves all the problems. When they finally gets to see the kids happily learning how to draw, Tina smiles from the heart. This is the 1st time that Tina realised that the ability to draw can bring happiness to people. So Tina is very grateful to Tao and Liu xin, thanks to them that Tina is able to open her heart to the people.
Because of this, Tina feels that, Tao and Liu Xin are just like the gentle sun, that brings warmness & energy to people.Tina becomes the kids' teacher and at the same time, the kids became Tina's gentle sun. Because of them, Tina learned that the biggest happiness is to have the passion for drawing.
Sideline: Sometimes the people that always stood by our side are just like the gentle sun, giving us energy, directing us to advance. Upon stumbling onto problem or setbacks, they are also the ones that becomes our strongest support"
 (Translated from China Sina news release)

 credit to: TJFC Singapore

-xoxo monika

Happiness in this early year^^


This is Monika speaking !
How are you? I know you miss me, lol
Hope you had wonderful and meaningful times in this early 2015.

WOW!!!! It's 2015 ! Yeah and it's the 13th day, time flies really fast right? actually time itself is not really important, but what you do to spend it is the most important, because i have been asking my self about, "Why time goes really fast when i'm listening to some musics on my phone but it stops moving when i'm in my workplace?". Yeah, so I've come to the conclusion that is not the time that either goes fast nor stop, it's simply because what kind of activities we do to spend it, it depends on what kind of things we do. Yeah that's it, so is not the time that goes fast it's because when i listen to some musics the activities make me feel comfy and of course happy, so i feel i don't want to end it, i want it more and more, and the opposite goes to when i'm in my workplace, i don't like the job and simply i want to end it as soon as possible. The desire to want something more and more and to stop something as soon as possible are the reason about how time actually works.

And talking bout how's my day going....
It's quite good, *coughs* you know.... have i told you about my new job? NO???

So........ As I write this post I’m in the middle of my job, yes i quit my first Job in PT !#$%@%@#%$#% *can’t tell you here* so now I’m in my second job I work as $^%765&%72$@63$^4 . AHAHAHAHAHAH XD . Well it’s not the point because the point is……. I just want to tell you that Alloh had gsve me so much pleasure and happiness in this early year hope i always blessed in every each day.

First, I had the opportunity to quit my job without worry about where am i going to do after I quit my job, because my dad’ friend gave me the chance to work in here (my current job) and so far, this job is better than the previous one where I don’t have to cry every time I went home after working. But as what people say “there’s no perfect job in this world except you are the chairman or  the son of the chairman of the company”. Yeah nothing’s perfect , even SNSD Yoona has wrinkles, that means you will never get a perfect job, even if your job is your dream job, there are always pressures, which can make you depressed. But i'm grateful because everything just become better.

*It's raining here at my office*

Everything just perfect, i don't know why.

Second, i also quit my Roleplayer-life for real,  yes i know!! i've told you the same exact thing like almost century ago about me leaving RP but this time is REAL. I've told my close friends that i'm a girl who loves Kai and Taehyun so much and i'm more comfortable and confident being tg (Transgender) RP, that's all. You know, i really want to do it for like year ago but i don't have any courage back then so i think, this is the right time and YOU KNOW WHAT? their reactions were unbelievable, Thank you so much! Sene, Jihyo Noona and Aerin *i hope you read this wherever you are*. And now i'm getting closer to them by our real contact such as Line and Bbm, not only them but also i'm getting closer with my Mommy, no! My first bestfriend in RPW, Victoria Eomma and my best-best noona ever Cherrypie! What a great thing, isn't?

First..second.. oh now the third

Okay well, i don't know what to say about this but......


i know! i'm just way too exaggerated, yeah what's so important about she liked my post? huh? do i get more followers after she do that? NO! is she know you afterwards? NO? what so good about that? huh? DAMMIT! It's not about she liked my post but it tells me that she really noticed me my post she knows that there's a girl who loves her so much, and she appreciated that by liking my post!!! That's it! That's the point.

So yeah those are lil bit sneak peak of how's 2015 going for me.

-xoxo monika

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Good Bye 2014 Welcome 2015


This is monika speaking!

Waaah gak terasa ya kita udah ninggalin tahun 2014 yang penuh dengan berbagai jenis cerita serta pengalaman baru yang gak akan pernah gue lupa untuk menceritakan nya disini. Ya, seperti tahun baru sebelum-sebelumnya gue gak pergi kemana-mana alias cuma duduk manis depan tv sambil nontonin acara pesta tahun baru. But, itu bukan hal yang menarik untuk dibahas, karena yang gue mau ceritain adalah bagaimana tahun 2014 yang telah kita lalui ini di mata gue.

Tahun 2014 adalah tahun dimana gue benar-benar terlahir menjadi orang yang baru, karena banyak hal-hal penting yang terjadi dihidup gue pada tahun ini, dan ditahun ini juga gue ngerasa segala sesuatunya bergerak dan berpindah dengan cepat, dari mulai hari kelulusan gue, gue ngerasa itu cepet banget hanya dengan pengumuman lewat media online kalo gue dinyatakan lulus dimana cuma sekejap gue liat hasilnya..... dan itu merubah dunia gue yang tadi nya cuma seorang pelajar menjadi alumni, yang tadinya pergi pagi buat berangkat sekolah menjadi pengangguran yang nyari kerja kesana-kesini, yang tadinya leha-leha kalo ada tugas dari sekolah sekarang ribet mikirin "Mau jadi apa gue kedepan nya?". Dan intinya My life became much complicated dan semuanya terasa sulit. Dan yang paling ngena dihati adalah bagaimana gue ngejalanin UKOM yang cuma 1 hari, CUMA....SATU.....HARI. Padahal hal itu adalah hal yang paling gue takutin sepanjang hidup gue di SMK ya kalo bisa dibilang dari hari pertama masuk sampe hari H gue UKOM sekitar 2 tahun lebih, ditambah lagi persiapan nya yang ngabisin waktu 6 bulan lebih buat ngebahas, belajar dan praktek. Tapi pada akhirnya hal itu cuma gue lakuin dalam satu hari. Satu hari yang mengubah seluruh hidup gue. Selain UKOM dan school thingy, ditahun 2014 ini juga gue genap 18 tahun kalo kata orang sih ya gue udah cukup umur, cukup umur buat nonton video porno maksudnya.... *keheningan pun menerpa*


Ya gitu.
Ditahun 2014 ini juga pertama kalinya gue kerja *ya iyalah* maksud gue, ditahun ini gue ngerasain jadi orang dewasa gue bukan anak kecil lagi, gue ga bisa terus-terusan dirumah nonton tv sambil ngemil. Gue harus kerja, banting tulang kaki jadi kepala, kepala jadi kaki untuk membiayai keluarga. *lebay* TAPI....... dari semua itu yang paling membahagiakan adalah keluarga gue menjadi sangat-sangat lebih baik dari sebelum-sebelum nya, Alloh menjawab semua doa gue untuk orang tua gue. Dari mulai lebaran pukam bareng, kita ngerayain ulang tahun gue bersama sampeeee ketika gue nangis dan jatuh hancur pada saat kerja mereka tetep support gue dan selalu memberikan masukan serta motivasi buat gue. Ah the best lah pokoknya!

*baru aja baca postingan tahun baru yang lalu*

Gue baru aja baca dan disana gue nulis beberapa target yang gue ingin capai di 2014 dan 1 dari 3 target itu yang baru gue dapet, soal bucket list juga gue belum ngejalanin ahahahahah... mungkin tahun ini atau di tahun yang akan datang, semoga aja gue diberi kesempatan untuk ngerayain tahun baru ditahun-tahun berikutnya. Ya walaupun target yang gue buat belum tercapai semuanya bukan berarti gue ga dapet pelajaran ditahun ini justru pelajaran datang bukan karena kita mencari lalu mendapatkan nya tetapi pelajaran itu datang secara tiba-tiba lalu diri kita lah yang menyadari.

Ditahun ini gue cuma bisa berharap:
1. Gue bisa lebih mencintai diri sendiri
2. Percaya diri
3. Lebih kuat dan sabar

-xoxo monika