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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Tiga Kelas Manusia

1.  First-rate person is someone with talent and tries hard
  • Kelompok ini di isi oleh para juara.
  • Kelompok ini mempunyai segala kelebihan dan kekurangan, cobaan dan hambatan hidup yang paling banyak dibandingkan dengan 2 kelas dibawahnya. Tipe orang yang masuk kedalam kelompok ini adalah tipe orang yang mempunyai kesadaran dan pekerja keras.
2.  Second-rate person is someone with no talent but tries hard
  • Kelompok ini di isi oleh orang yang beruntung.
  • Kelompok ini tidak banyak keunikan dan kehebatan, tetapi mereka mempunyai kasadaran akan kenyataan. Kenyataan bahwa mereka tidak hebat, kenyataan bahwa mereka adalah orang yang bodoh, tetapi dari kesadaran itu mereka menjadi pribadi yang pekerja keras.
3.  Third-rate person is someon with prejudice
  • Kelompok ini di isi oleh para penyesal.
  • Kelompok ini berprasangka bahwa mereka bisa, mereka berprasangka mereka hebat dan bisa mengalahkan semuanya, tetapi sayangnya itu semua hanya prasangka, bukan kenyataan maka ketika menjalani kehidupan yang sebenrnya/nyata mereka kalah dan akan selalu kalah.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Ryan Star - Losing Your Memory

Oke gue lagi jatuh cinta sama lagu ini, kenapa? karena tiap denger lagu ini bawaanya mau nangis terus :'( . Gue tau lagu ini dari teaser "Anterograde Tomorrow" Ya! fanfiction yang bikin gue sedih gak karuan dan kegalauan tingkat akut, kesan pas liat video teasernya itu, "Sumpah! ini lagu ngena abis cocok sama cerita fanfictionnya!!" . Lanjut deh gue download aja lagunya. Dan ini dia liriknya....

Call all your friends
Tell them I'm never coming back
'Cause this is the end
Pretend that you want it, don't react

The damage is done
The police are coming too slow now
I would have died
I would have loved you all my life

You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now

Where have you gone?
The beach is so cold in winter here
And where have I gone?
I wake in Montauk with you near

Remember the day
'Cause this is what dreams should always be
I just want to stay
I just want to keep this dream in me

You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory

Wake up, it's time, little girl, wake up
All the best of what we've done is yet to come
Wake up, it's time, little girl, wake up
Just remember who I am in the morning

You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory

You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Kado Ibu

Hari itu

Bendera kuning tertempel di sudut jalan

Ibu menangis

Semuanya menangis

Wajah cantik tinggal kenangan

Terkubur bersama semua kenangan

Bersandar pada kenyataan

Ia pergi membawa harapan

Takdir... ya memang takdir

Kecewa... ya pasti kecewa

Tuhan, simpan baik-baik kado ibu itu

Biar ibu tenang

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fucking Lonely

“Just yesterday I… I was friends with all of them but… it says here that… they moved away? They left? They’re gone? Why? Am I really alone?”
“Yeah, you’re really fucking alone. We’re all alone, except you don’t live long enough to realize it.”

The quotes above are from my favorite  fanfiction ever Anterograde Tomorrow. I just realized that the character's pain is just like..... ugh.... deep inside. I do really care about  my life, the people, the moment and everything. And today as i wrote this post i really fucking understand that i'm officially alone. fucking alone.

Why? because i think that some people just do not really care about me they're just trying to be kind. And the only thing i have to do is accept it and do not care about what their reasons. Im just a fucking moron with full of expectation that maybe people will care about me. HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH.

“Pity’s pretty fucking expensive from someone who can’t care.”

that the sentence i love too. Yes trying to get attention from people who don't care is really hard and maybe if you didnt try to get out from that situation you'll stuck in the middle of time for forever. And all you need is yourself and nothing else.