This song is one of my favorite of Eddie' songs! Wonderful and has beautiful lyrics and also good music. It's perfect! It's one of OST of Movie The Fault in Our stars, i haven't watch it yet, some people said it's really sad and can makes you burst out tears.....
So for the love of this song i made the translate into Bahasa. Enjoy!
It's just another night
Ini hanyalah malam yang lain
And I'm staring at the moon
Dan aku menatap bulan
I saw a shooting star
Aku melihat sebuah bintang jatuh
And thought of you
Dan memikirkan kamu
I sang a lullaby
Aku menyanyikan sebuah lagu penghantar tidur
By the waterside and knew
Dari pinggiran danau dan tahu
If you were here,
Kalau aja ada kamu disini
I'd sing to you
Aku akan menyanyikan nya untukmu
You're on the other side
Kau ada disisi lain
As the skyline splits in two
Seperti kaki langit terbagi dua
I'm miles away from seeing you
Aku se mil jauh nya dari bisa melihat kamu
I can see the stars
Aku bisa melihat bintang-bintang
From America
Dari Amerika
I wonder, do you see them, too?
Aku bertanya-tanya apakah kamu melihatnya juga?
Reff : So open your eyes and see
Bukalah matamu dan lihatlah
The way our horizons meet
Bagaiman caranya horizon kita bertemu
And all of the lights will lead
Dan semua cahaya akan memimpin
Into the night with me
Kedalam malam bersamaku
And I know these scars will bleed
Dan aku tau luka ini akan berdarah
But both of our hearts believe
Tetapi hati kita berdua percaya
All of these stars will guide us home
Semua bintang-bintang ini akan menjaga kita sampai kerumah
I can hear your heart
Aku bisa mendengar hatimu
On the radio beat
Di radio
They're playing 'Chasing Cars'
Mereka memainkan 'Chasing stars'
And I thought of us
Dan aku memikirkan kita
Back to the time,
Kembali kemasa itu
You were lying next to me
Kamu berbaring disampingku
I looked across and fell in love
Aku melihat persis dan jatuh cinta
So I took your hand
Jadi aku pegang tanganmu
Back through lamp lit streets I knew
Kembali melewati cahaya lampu jalan aku mengetahui
Everything led back to you
Semuanya datang kembali padamu
So can you see the stars?
Jadi, apa kamu bisa melihat bintang-bintang?
Over Amsterdam
Di Amsterdarm
You're the song my heart is
Kamu adalah lagu yang membuat hatiku
Beating to
Reff : So open your eyes and see
Bukalah matamu dan lihatlah
The way our horizons meet
Bagaimana cara horizon kita saling bertemu
And all of the lights will lead
Dan semua cahaya akan memimpin
Into the night with me
Kedalam malam bersamaku
And I know these scars will bleed
Dan aku tahu luka ini akan berdarah
But both of our hearts believe
Tetapi kedua hati kita percaya
All of these stars will guide us home
Semua bintang-bintang ini akan menjaga kita sampai kerumah
And, oh, I know
Dan, oh, Aku tahu
And oh, I know, oh
Dan, oh, Aku tahu, oh
I can see the stars
Aku bisa melihat bintang-bintang
From America
Dari Amerika
McDaid, John / Sheeran, Edward Christopher
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
The Painter First MV & Tina Jittaleela first chinese Debut
Hey hey hey!!! Aloohaaa......
(I can't believe my post about yes or no 2.5 got so many viewers haha, and the same thing goes to every Tina news. So..... I know it's been a while i did not update any news about Tina, sooo here.. here... for you who don't know about this news i'm going to post here.)
The first news is...... (i knew this news in the early november) kinda late.. sorry :(
So... as i've been telling you about Tina' Band called the Painter, so they are currently filming for their first Music Video, the place is in Paris. The song is "Our love song was changed".
And yes, there will be a female cast,
The painter itself has 5 members
❤ Tina (Vocal)
❤ P'Air a.k.a Tina' sister (Piano and also the producer)
❤ Gib (drums) Her instagram Here
❤ Mie (bass) Her Instagram Here
❤ Kwang (guitar) Her Instagram Here
![]() |
From left: Mie, Gib, Kwang, Tina, P'Air |
And the Second news is....... *marching band drums sounds* dum..dum..dum...daratatatata....... Tina will make her first Chinese debut!!!!! YEAAY! after she starred in Movies such as "We are Young" and "Fin Sugoi" which's her first and second international movie finally she decided to make her official debut in chinese :D
According to HLS Music, Tina will be one of the cast of a Music Video (her mv exactly) together with her mate and of course My eternal otp Tao Phiangpor ❤❤❤❤❤❤, it will be her first chinese song .
And both of the news will coming soon :)
Can't waiiiitttt >.<
-xoxo monika
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
We were all born 'Gender-blind'
Hiiii ^^~ lama ya tidak memposting…
How are you? Mine is not so good yet not so bad.
So…. Kali ini pengen aja bahas tentang hal ini karena seperti biasa pikiran-pikiran yang terus menghantui diri gue, *asik* gak tenang gitu kalo belum di publish/diceritain di blog ini…. Oh iyaaa bulan ini this lovely cutie blog turning 3 years old wohooooo! /jumping like lil kid/ I….i….i am….. you know…. i…. can’t say any words I’m just really happy!!! Hip hip hooray!!! hip hip hooraaayyyy ‘-‘)9 okay back to the point..
Jadi gini hal ini datang ketika gue lihat salah satu akun askfm favorit gue, terakhir gw liat itu hampir kurang lebih 3/4 bulan yang lalu daaaaaaaaaaan when I checked this account about 2 days ago, it’s no longer a fun account which’s contain funniest answers you could ever see but more like private account but not only about the changes in this account, there’s something else, I’ve nothing to say but…. I found out the owner of this account has alter ego (he said), based on jawaban dan pertanyaan yang ada di akun itu, walaupun beberapa jawaban itu masih ada yg bersifat lucu karena basic nya owner nya itu emang lucu hehe, so gue bingung "kok ini jadi ngomongin alter ego" , "eh gila si ****** udah punya pacar, acieee" , "tunggu..tunggu... lhoo ini apa? kok alter ego alter egoan?". Gitu. Ya jadi gue penasaran dong, gue stalk aja akun itu walaupun gak sampe bawah, setelah menelaah terlalu jauh gue menemukan bahwa pacar nya si owner itu adalah seorang alter ego............................... jadi dia macarin alter ego bukan orang sebenar nya yang punya badan. *krik krik* oke ini emang ga jelas abis, absurd. Gue juga pas baca "hah? apaan?". "ini dia cerita apa lagi ngimpi?". Ya semacam itu laah gue ga mau terlalu bahas hubungan dia cuma yang gue pengen bahas adalah tentang pernyataan salah satu temen RP gue, ya sebenernya sih bukan temen lebih kayak pengen-jadi-temen-tapi-gak-kesampean-gitu. Hahaha BENTAAAAAAAAAR kok gak nyambung? apa hubungan nya temen RP sama akun askfm itu mon? lu gak lagi ngelindur kan?. Gak gue ga lagi ngelindur , hubungan nya temen RP gue itu punya askfm, udah gitu doang, nyambung kan?.......
Oh ya sampe mana kita tadi??
oh iya sampe temen RP gue, dia pernah jawab salah satu pertanyaan di askfm nya dia tentang "bagaimana pendapatmu tentang bisexual" dan jawaban itu pun mengena banget di hati gue entah kenapa, besides he's an asshole in RP but he's also a smartass. Dia jawab kayak gini :
i think nothing wrong of them. i think of them no differently from straight, gay, or lesbian. i'm gender-blind, which means i love someone regardless of their gender. it's pretty similar to being bisexual, but gender-blind goes deeper than just men and women.
i also don't see how people think bisexuality is impossible. if someone is attracted to both men and women, then more power to them. they have plenty of more fish in the sea to choose from this way.
but- don't you think they are greedy? they want the bird and the hole as well
lel jk
Okay, gak tau kenapa apa yang dia katakan itu ada benernya. Gak ada yang salah tentang kelainan pada sexual orientation just like lesbian, gay dan juga normal. Karena pada dasarnya kita dilahirkan dengan tidak-mengenal-dengan-siapa-seharusnya-kita-saling-mencintai. Jadi seharusnya orang-orang lebih aware tentang hal ini, gak ada perlakuan yang beda terhadap orang-orang semacam itu, dan orang-orang yang 'seperti itu' juga tidak seharusnya melakukan sesuatu dengan excuse "gue kan gay" or "gue lesbian".
Ini menurut pendapat gue ya, The definition of love is not about between woman and man, woman and woman, man and man,but between one person to another person (no gender ever said), gak ada yang bilang cinta itu harus dari cowok ke cewek atau sebaliknya, karena rasa cinta itu tumbuh bukan karena dia punya titid ataupun payungdara, tetapi karena seseorang itu merasa bahwa orang yang berada dihadapan nya yang mengisi hari-harinya itu memang benar-benar membuat dia jatuh cinta, jadi menurut gue everyone no exception can falling in love with any gender, even people with that normal label. Kenapa mon kok lo bisa yakin gitu? Well it happens to me……………….. so…. Being Tina jittaleela fan has made me an open-minded person because I had chance to meet ‘those people’ and had opened my mind about this. Gue gak bisa bilang gimana-gimana but…. gue adalah termasuk orang yang feminine gue suka pink, gue suka segala sesuatu tentang hello kitty, yang kalo bisa ditarik kesimpulan I’m an example of “normal girl” but kesini-sini gue merasa bahwa kok gue bisa ya tertarik sama Tina yang jelas-jelas perempuan? bahkan kalo dia berambut panjang pun gue tetep suka? Apa gue gak normal? Terus gue bingung dan gue tanya sama beberapa temen gue yang lain dan jawaban mereka “ah gue juga suka tina abis dia kan kece.” “ya abis dia keren gimana gak suka!!!.” Dan semacam nya. Dari situlah gue buat kesimpulan.. berarti gue suka tina bukan karena dia cewek/cowok tapi karena kepribadian nya dia yang charming dan fluffy and squishy. Kenapa kok gue ngomong gini? Karena gue baru kali ini suka sama artis tomboy biasanya gue suka sama selebriti cowok like justin bieber, KAI, dan yang baru-baru ini Taehyun hahaha xD
Dari sini bisa ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kita seharusnya…..atau dengan bahasa kasarnya gak ada yang namanya Gay people Lesbian or whatever it is karena SEMUA ORANG pada dasarnya menyukai semua Gender depends on seberapa jauh dia mau menyukai gender yang sama. LIFE IS A CHOICE We need to choose every options, jadi menurut gue orang yang mengaku dirinya gay itu bisa dengan sangat-sangat bisa menjadi penyuka lawan jenis a.k.a normal tinggal dia memilih dan juga sebaliknya the normal can also choose with whom they want to fallin’ in love same or different gender. Gak Cuma itu prove tentang kita lahir dengan Gender-blind itu dengan ada nya agama (gue gak ada maskud untuk melecehkan atau menjatuhkan agama) dan juga hukum, gue jadi ngerti kenapa agama dan hukum itu sangat penting karena MEMANG pada dasarnya hal itu penting , juga untuk hal ini agama dan hukun yang membatasi kita dalam menyukai seseorang dan yang mana kita tahu menjadi sebuah hal yang alamiah atau natural. Contoh di agama islam tidak diperbolehkan menikah sesama jenis, di Indonesia juga tidak diperbolehkan pernikahan sesama jenis, selain karena memang ‘itu sudah melanggar norma dan aturan’ itu juga yang membuat ada nya Gay, lesbian, bisexual people terbuat, maksudnya basicly there’s no gay lesbian or bisexual people because just like what I’ve said earlier, everyone can fallin in love with any gender male or female. EVERYONE. You know. Tapi segala sesuatu nya butuh keteraturan karena hidup yang acak-acak an gak akan bisa buat orang tenang. Makanya ada agama dan peraturan-peraturan, yang menjadi batasan, tapi bukan berarti batasan ini kita sebut sebagai hal aneh. Buktinya? ada yang namanya pembatas ketinggian di tol tapi pas lo liat, lo gak teriak "MAAAAAHHH PAAAAH MASA ITU ADA PEMBATASNYA YA AMPUN ITU PARAH BANGET SIH!?!?!?!!" . Gak gitu kan? malah it's a normal and more like a good thing jadi bisa teratur bahwa kendaraan yang lebih tinggi dari itu gak boleh lewat. No one should have to complain about that, right? sama juga sama kita, kita yang mengaku normal pun gitu don't ever treat someone unfairly or special just because they say they're gay, just act like what you usually act laaaah~ no difference. Tapi pada kenyataan nya? nihil. Dan untuk orang yang mengaku gay/les/bisexual... sama aja kayak truk-truk tinggi di tol sana, pas truk itu masuk atau bertemu dengan mobil lain ga ada kan driver nya teriak-teriak sambil bilang "TOLONG DONG INI TRUK GEDE HARAP DIMAKLUMIN, MENTANG-MENTANG KEBANYAKAN MOBIL PRIBADI YANG KECIL-KECIL KOK KITA SEBAGAI DRIVER TRUK BESAR TERDISKRIMINASI BANGET." Ga ada kan yang ngomong gitu? sama kaya kalian yang mengaku gay or whatsoever, jangan pernah ngerasa karena kalian "gay" trus kalian merasa terdiskriminasi atau apalah, you are the one who chose to be like that you have to follow the rule, harus terima resiko.
Aduh capek ngetik…..
So.. ini adalah pesan gue buat orang-orang yang melabelkan diri mereka dengan label gay/les/bi
Don’t fucking put any fucking label on your fucking self. There's no label in Life , just a choice you have chose.
dan ini pesan buat para pembenci gay/les/bi
Even if you hate them, you're still in the same level as them . Human. Not any better even worse.
-xoxo monika
post ini sudah melalui proses filterisasi hingga menjadi cerita yang lebih halus dan layak baca,
hate-comment is not needed.
tidak memihak pada siapapun.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Rekomendasi Lagu-lagu barat enak
[UPDATE!! 13 Juli]
Untuk kalian yang punya hobi dengerin musik dan tidak akan pernah puas dengan hal itu. Kali ini gue akan membagikan lagu-lagu apa saja yang enak untuk didengarkan. Let's Find out !
Kapanpun gue punya waktu buat online, pasti deh ga pernah lupa untuk browsing untuk cari lagu-lagu barat enak apa aja yang bagus buat didengarkan, dan kadang itu susah banget karena setelah ketemu web nya, biasanya mereka cuma memberikan 1 s/d 10 lagu dan itupun hanya untuk beberapa genre misalnya, genre lagu sedih ya berarti cuma lagu-lagu barat yang sedih aja, gitu. So, kali ini gue membagikan kebahagiaan untuk kalian para pecinta musik-musik barat.
Untuk kalian yang punya hobi dengerin musik dan tidak akan pernah puas dengan hal itu. Kali ini gue akan membagikan lagu-lagu apa saja yang enak untuk didengarkan. Let's Find out !
Kapanpun gue punya waktu buat online, pasti deh ga pernah lupa untuk browsing untuk cari lagu-lagu barat enak apa aja yang bagus buat didengarkan, dan kadang itu susah banget karena setelah ketemu web nya, biasanya mereka cuma memberikan 1 s/d 10 lagu dan itupun hanya untuk beberapa genre misalnya, genre lagu sedih ya berarti cuma lagu-lagu barat yang sedih aja, gitu. So, kali ini gue membagikan kebahagiaan untuk kalian para pecinta musik-musik barat.
Let's check this Out baby!
Untuk Lagu-lagu nge-beat yang bisa membuat kita menggoyangkan badan kalian bisa download lagu-lagu ini :
Untuk Lagu-lagu nge-beat yang bisa membuat kita menggoyangkan badan kalian bisa download lagu-lagu ini :
1. Ariana Grande feat Iggy Azalea - Problem
2. Jessie J feat Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj - Bang-bang
3. Spice Girls - Wannabe
4. Kesha - Tik Tok
5. Cobra Starship - You make me feel like
6. Taio Cruz - Break Your Heart
7. Usher - Dj got us fallin' love again
8. Taio Cruz - Break Your Heart
9. Britney Spears - Circus
10. Cash cash - Party In your bedroom
11. Ellie Goulding - Burn
12. Far East Movement - Like a G6
13. Florida - Whistle
14. One Direction - Best song ever
15. Serebro - Mi Mi Mi
11. Ellie Goulding - Burn
12. Far East Movement - Like a G6
13. Florida - Whistle
14. One Direction - Best song ever
15. Serebro - Mi Mi Mi
16. Ricky Martin - Livin La Vida Loca
17. Girlicious - Maniac
18. Justin Bieber - Beauty and the beat
19. Beyonce - Diva
20. Avril Lavigne - Rock N Roll
21. Kanye West - Stronger
22. Rihanna - Shut Up and Drive
23. Katy Perry - This is How We Do
24. Smooth Criminal (Glee Version)
25. The Wanted - Chasing Sun
Untuk lagu yang cocok buat karaokean atau sekadar nyanyi-nyanyi ga jelas dikamar mandi dan bisa juga dijadikan penyemangat kita, bisa langsung cari lagu-lagu ini hehe
1. Ariana Grande feat MIKA - Popular Song
2. Rihanna - Take a bow (Glee Version)
3. Lady Gaga - Poker face ( Glee Version)
4. Demi Lovato - Really Don't Care
5. One Republic - Counting Stars
6. American Authors - Believer
7. Disney Circle - Do you wanna build a snowman
8. Idina Menzel - Let it go
9. Mandy Moore - I see the light
10. Maroon 5 - Maps
11. Maroon 5 - Sugar
12. Selena Gomez - Who says
13. Miley Cyrus - The climb
14. Simple Plan - Welcome to my life
15. Taylor Swift - I knew you were Trouble
16. Jessie J - Domino
17. Kelly Clarkson - Stronger
18. Coldplay - Paradise
19. Ed Sheeran - A Team
20. Maroon 5 - Never Gonna Leave This Bed
21. The Script - Hall Of Fame
22. Mcfly - Lies
23. Beyonce - Pretty Hurts
24. The Script - You Won't Feel A Thing
25. Twin Forks - Cross My Mind
Untuk lagu cinta-cintaan, dan buat yang lagi kasmaran sampe lagu-lagu berlirik romantis, bisa dengerin lagu-lagu ini....
1. John Legend - All of me
2. Hillary Duff - All is you
3. P!nk - True Love
4. One Direction - Little things
5. Demi Lovato - Heart Attack
6. Avril Lavigne - Smile
7. OST Camp Rock - Gotta find you
8. Ariana Grande Feat Mac Miller - The Way
9. Maroon 5 - Sugar
10. Christina Perri - A Thousand Years part 2
11. Sleeping with sirens - All My Heart
12. John Legend - You and I (Nobody in the world)
13. David Archuleta - You Can
14. Colbie Caliat - Bubbly
Untuk lagu yang sedikit sedih a.k.a galau bisa langsung caw dengerin ini...
17. Girlicious - Maniac
18. Justin Bieber - Beauty and the beat
19. Beyonce - Diva
20. Avril Lavigne - Rock N Roll
21. Kanye West - Stronger
22. Rihanna - Shut Up and Drive
23. Katy Perry - This is How We Do
24. Smooth Criminal (Glee Version)
25. The Wanted - Chasing Sun
Untuk lagu yang cocok buat karaokean atau sekadar nyanyi-nyanyi ga jelas dikamar mandi dan bisa juga dijadikan penyemangat kita, bisa langsung cari lagu-lagu ini hehe
1. Ariana Grande feat MIKA - Popular Song
2. Rihanna - Take a bow (Glee Version)
3. Lady Gaga - Poker face ( Glee Version)
4. Demi Lovato - Really Don't Care
5. One Republic - Counting Stars
6. American Authors - Believer
7. Disney Circle - Do you wanna build a snowman
8. Idina Menzel - Let it go
9. Mandy Moore - I see the light
10. Maroon 5 - Maps
11. Maroon 5 - Sugar
12. Selena Gomez - Who says
13. Miley Cyrus - The climb
14. Simple Plan - Welcome to my life
15. Taylor Swift - I knew you were Trouble
16. Jessie J - Domino
17. Kelly Clarkson - Stronger
18. Coldplay - Paradise
19. Ed Sheeran - A Team
20. Maroon 5 - Never Gonna Leave This Bed
21. The Script - Hall Of Fame
22. Mcfly - Lies
23. Beyonce - Pretty Hurts
24. The Script - You Won't Feel A Thing
25. Twin Forks - Cross My Mind
Untuk lagu cinta-cintaan, dan buat yang lagi kasmaran sampe lagu-lagu berlirik romantis, bisa dengerin lagu-lagu ini....
1. John Legend - All of me
2. Hillary Duff - All is you
3. P!nk - True Love
4. One Direction - Little things
5. Demi Lovato - Heart Attack
6. Avril Lavigne - Smile
7. OST Camp Rock - Gotta find you
8. Ariana Grande Feat Mac Miller - The Way
9. Maroon 5 - Sugar
10. Christina Perri - A Thousand Years part 2
11. Sleeping with sirens - All My Heart
12. John Legend - You and I (Nobody in the world)
13. David Archuleta - You Can
14. Colbie Caliat - Bubbly
Untuk lagu yang sedikit sedih a.k.a galau bisa langsung caw dengerin ini...
1. Secondhand Serenade - Your Call
2. Christina Perri - Thousand Years 1&2
3. Coldplay - The scientist
4. Boys like girls feat Taylor Swift - Two is Better than one
5. Demi Lovato-Skyscraper
6. Avril Lavigne - I am With you
7. Avril Lavigne - When you're gone
8. David Archuleta - Crush
9. Jason Walker - Echo
10. Kelly Clarkson - Because of you
11. Maroon 5 - Sad
12. Paramore - The Only Exception
13. Passenger - Let her go
14. Rihanna - Stay
15. Taylor Swift - Breath
16. Beyonce - Listen (Glee Version)
17. Coldplay - The Scientist
18. Gotye feat Kimbra - Somebody that i used to Know
19. Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone
20. The Script - The Man Who can't be Moved
21. Lana Del Rey - Young and beautiful
22. Sia - Big girls Cry
Dan untuk lagu yang easy-listening dan emang cuma asik sebagai hiburan aja bisa dengerin lagu-lagu ini :
1. Daft Punk - Get Lucky
2. Justin Bieber - Boyfriend
3. Ariana Grande feat Mac Miller - The Way
4. Wheatus - Teenage Dirty Bag
5. Maroon 5 - Animals
6. Katty Perry - Last Friday Night
7. B.O.B Feat Hayley Williams - Airplane
8. Big Time Rush feat Snoop dog - Boyfriend
9. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
10. Ed Sheeran - I See fire
11. Lorde - Team
12.Hot Chelle Rae - I like it Like that
13. My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the black parade
14. Coldplay - Paradise
15. Coldplay - Fix You
16. Maroon 5 - The Man Who Never Lied
17. Pink - Fuckin' Perfect
18. Avril Lavigne - What The hell
19. Nicole Scherzinger - Baby Love
20. SIA - Chandelier
21. Pussycat Dolls - Stick With You
22. P!nk - So What
23. P!nk - Sober
24. P!nk - Family (ini tentang broken home)
25. Kesha - Run Devil Run
26. Rihanna ft Ne-Yo - Hate That I Love You
27. Ne-Yo - Miss Independent
28. Lana Del Rey - National Anthem
Well Sebenernya masih banyak lagi.... dan mungkin sampe 100 pun masih kurang tapi segini aja dulu yaaaa yang lain menyusul :) selamat mendownload dan mendengarkan ;)
Website untuk mendownload lagu :
Untuk lagu-lagu/MV yang kamu dapatkan di youtube bisa pakai
Ini web download yang paling gue suka , karena sangat amat mudah penggunan nya tidak perlu download maupun sulit dalam pemakaian nya...
Ini web download yang paling gue suka , karena sangat amat mudah penggunan nya tidak perlu download maupun sulit dalam pemakaian nya...
1. Masuk ke youtube
2. Pilih video dari lagu mana yg kamu ingin download..
3. setelah di klik video nya tambahkan ss disebelum kata "youtube"
4. Langsung deh kita diarahkan ke web nya dan pilih kualitas video apa yang di inginkan.
5 Selesai deh :D
-xoxo monika
Monday, October 20, 2014
Profile of Main Casts in Yes Or No 2.5
Hey you! Still waiting for the YES Or NO 2.5 movie??
1. Hongyok
2. Nan
i've always wanted to make a new post about this movie after my latest post but i had no time back then, so now is the time!!
First of all I just wanna clarify something, it's about Tina will not be the main character anymore, but then i was wrong, well... but not all wrong. So, the opening ceremony of YON 2.5 movie has shown to public the person that will be Tina' partner in this upcoming movie, her name is Ice, so what the ComeOn sweet once said about "movie series that will have different actors and plot" is not replacing Tina as the main actor BUT more like, Adding and replacing another main characters, in this case they added the new couple "Nan & Hongyok" and Replaced Aom role with this girl called Ice, Tina will not be Kim anymore, and of course there's no Kim Pie Lovey dovey in here. Now i'm going to share lil bit profile of them.
1. Hongyok
Her Real name is Chansakorn Kittiwattanakorn
Was born in Bangkok 22 March 1993
Her twitter @hongyokgun
Her Instagram @Hongyok_af10
Her first debut in entertainment industry is as a model,she also has singing talent, in 2013 she joined a singing talent contest show called Academy Fantasia season 10, that was the time she met with Nan. She's in her third year of college she took Communication Arts At Bangkok University. She really likes k-pop, there is a picture of her and another af10 finalists taken when they attended EXO Concert in Thailand.
2. Nan
Her real name is Sunantha Yooniom
Born in Trat, Thailand 1 February 1991
Her Twitter @TheConando
Nan first debut as an entertainer was when she's 15 y/o, she starring in some advertisement on tv when she was about 15-16 (CMIIW okay?). At the age 18 she was awarded for being the last finalist of Miss Teen Thailand, i think she's more like cute than have to say she's cool. She's a Bachelor of Health Science at Srinakharinwirot University.
After won the contest, not for long she changed herself as a tomboy and in 2011 she joined reality show contest called "The Star" it was The Star Season 7, but she failed in that contest, but she did not give up, she tried join the conest ,third times, First in season 7 and 8 and the last was 9 Hahaha such a tough girl with big passion ! but she's not lucky at all, she failed in the last season got failed for the third times was like...................... ugh you GO GIRL !! But then she stil did not give and tried another contest called Academy Fantasia season 10 in 2013 yup that's the time she met with Nan :)
3. Ice
Her Real name is....... something-nawarat (idon't know her real name hahaha poor me)
Born in 25 October 1992
Born in 25 October 1992
Actually i don't have any info about her since this YON Movie is her debut, so yeah. Same with hongyok before her debut with YON movie she's also a model, she studied at Thammasat University, and her Twitter and Instagram Username is @satoiceice.
Still hoping for the best result for this movie, hope p'klui will make great movie even greater than before and hope Ice can be herself not Aom look-alike. Because in the picture uploaded by ComeOn sweet on their facebook shows Ice with "Aom" haircut and that eyesmile, the first thing that came cross my mind was:
hahaha xD
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Catatan ke-4 (The Fourth Note - One-valuable-month)
Hello this is monika speaking!
How was your day? mine is great. Never been this great before heheh xD
How was your day? mine is great. Never been this great before heheh xD
Well...... so finally i've passed working on this job for one month, it's a really short time, like really.
So something happened in the company where i work at, for good's sake all the new employees are being off, it means more like we don't go to work for the time being. It's really surprising because this news just spread out last two days and published today, yeah today just today the company told us that we're going to off, no more back-breaking job. Kinda disappointed yet happy hahahaha xD because i started to enjoy this job and get closer to the people around me, but just today we were told that we will not work in there anymore, but i also feel happy because considering all those burdens that keep me alive yet-dying-inside will done and over..... fyuuhhhh. I only passed 1 month considering i still have another 2 months to go, and the official statement will out in monday whether i continue this job or not, so i don't know what will happen and what is my fate going to be, just hope for the best and luck for me. I can't talk a lot about the things in this week, well it's just i feel more comfortable than before, and i can finally get rub shoulders with my coworkers. I just began to endure all the difficulties. But what can i say? i have to end this job soon...... OKAY stop talking about this.
So i'll let that news end here, and start to revealed and expressed what i feel about working on this job, so....... *ekhem* well, i am so glad and feel lucky because all the smoothness i've been through in all of my whole days in this one month, i've learned so many valuable lessons that god gave me through this job, i learned how to be a good person in my adult-zone, i figured out what kind of person i am, i learned how to respect people, i met new people that i have never met before, those kind of people. The most important is i learned to survive in that kind of environment and people around, i learned to get up and stand up for myself after people got me down, and now i know that reality isn't as beautiful as what we thought it could be, all the things you were imagining will never happens if you do not build it by yourself, people will always judge you no matter what, but listening to their bullshit and feeling bad after you heard it is not the solution, ignore and keep it as a lesson is the right choice, people will treat you unfairly, not because they hate you it's just they want to. Yes people just want to hear what they want to hear not what you want to say , people just want to see what they're wanting to see not what you actually do. So if you're hoping for other people to love you and care about you or happy to having you near them, will make you tired and pressured and depressed at the same time, stop looking for a chance to get in to other people's circle and start to make your own circle. And i too acknowledged that i've been so childish and immature to my family especially my mom, i'm sorry mama :"( because in the first week of work i always went home crying and complaining about how bad and stress my work is, and that makes my mom feel guilty after all, she even once crying because of it, i'm just a bad child for her :( because you know it was really hard at first, all the job and people they're just............... ah~
Okay now shall we go to another story? okay.
So did i ever talking about my coworkers? no? okay let me introduce them to you......... they're just a group of girls with good relation with each other, they're nice and funny, they also encouraged me and i feel so blessed whenever they do it to me, because i feel appreciated and needed, and fyi my coworkers well i can say... the kindest group in the workplace compared with another group i've ever knew and met. And all my friends know it too and i am so blessed they really understand me and they accepted me as who i am. They are:
Mba Juni, Mba Puji, Mba Noni, Mba Uci, Mba Sari, Mba Yuli (known as Tuyul), Mba Aty, Mba Desi, Mba Dewi, Mba Wiwi, Mba Osin, Mba Nur, Mba Nupus, Mba Heni woah they're so many haha actually still more than this but i forgot their name heheh.
That was my opinion about my coworkers and now i'm gonna show you my new friends that i met in the workplace as a new employee which's they are also new employee.
Having a friend that always there for you is the best thing you could ever had as a human being, yes we need a friend no matter what we are, where we come from, what language we speak, how much money we have in our bank account, we still need a friend, so do i :D (this post goona be a longpost), i always thankful because i met them in my workplace, they are just like me a common fresh-graduate girl, they are Pipit, Mega and Nyoman they are my friends from test-interview era haha, Pipit, she's the closest friend among all, i met her (i still remember) in the second interview of getting this job, she's really friendly and kind, she's from majalengka and 2 years older than me, we talk about people we meet, all the funny things we could think of, and talk about her relationship with her boyfriend and her so-called boyfriend, she's also funny hahaha we've been through all the way together, and our place in the workplace is near. And there are Mega and nyoman, Mega she's the first friend i met in there, she's from cirebon, her gesture and voice similar with my junior mate nanda haha and they are also has the same hometown, she's funny too. About nyoman she's really calm and cute, in the first week of work four of us always going all over the workplace together, but with the time flies we're being apart because of the break-time, we don't have the same break-time so we only meet when the time work start and end. If they are my friend from the test-era i also met with some people intuitively, they are Nure, Melli, May, Tia, and Nur. Nure and Melli are pipit's coworkers so we often meet because i'm close with pipit yeah just like that and we're friends til now, about May, Tia and Nur it's really common, we see each other then i start to have conversation with them and walaaaaa we're friends hahaha xD it's really happy to meet them :D such a wonderful time and friends.
Woahh i talked to much. Well to the well, The point is this month is a valuable month i've ever had after "PKL" era hahaha xD
No pain No gain.
All the pain you had will makes you stronger.
Gonna end this post here..... byee
wait for the next story, will ya?
-xoxo monika
So i'll let that news end here, and start to revealed and expressed what i feel about working on this job, so....... *ekhem* well, i am so glad and feel lucky because all the smoothness i've been through in all of my whole days in this one month, i've learned so many valuable lessons that god gave me through this job, i learned how to be a good person in my adult-zone, i figured out what kind of person i am, i learned how to respect people, i met new people that i have never met before, those kind of people. The most important is i learned to survive in that kind of environment and people around, i learned to get up and stand up for myself after people got me down, and now i know that reality isn't as beautiful as what we thought it could be, all the things you were imagining will never happens if you do not build it by yourself, people will always judge you no matter what, but listening to their bullshit and feeling bad after you heard it is not the solution, ignore and keep it as a lesson is the right choice, people will treat you unfairly, not because they hate you it's just they want to. Yes people just want to hear what they want to hear not what you want to say , people just want to see what they're wanting to see not what you actually do. So if you're hoping for other people to love you and care about you or happy to having you near them, will make you tired and pressured and depressed at the same time, stop looking for a chance to get in to other people's circle and start to make your own circle. And i too acknowledged that i've been so childish and immature to my family especially my mom, i'm sorry mama :"( because in the first week of work i always went home crying and complaining about how bad and stress my work is, and that makes my mom feel guilty after all, she even once crying because of it, i'm just a bad child for her :( because you know it was really hard at first, all the job and people they're just............... ah~
Okay now shall we go to another story? okay.
So did i ever talking about my coworkers? no? okay let me introduce them to you......... they're just a group of girls with good relation with each other, they're nice and funny, they also encouraged me and i feel so blessed whenever they do it to me, because i feel appreciated and needed, and fyi my coworkers well i can say... the kindest group in the workplace compared with another group i've ever knew and met. And all my friends know it too and i am so blessed they really understand me and they accepted me as who i am. They are:
Mba Juni, Mba Puji, Mba Noni, Mba Uci, Mba Sari, Mba Yuli (known as Tuyul), Mba Aty, Mba Desi, Mba Dewi, Mba Wiwi, Mba Osin, Mba Nur, Mba Nupus, Mba Heni woah they're so many haha actually still more than this but i forgot their name heheh.
That was my opinion about my coworkers and now i'm gonna show you my new friends that i met in the workplace as a new employee which's they are also new employee.
Having a friend that always there for you is the best thing you could ever had as a human being, yes we need a friend no matter what we are, where we come from, what language we speak, how much money we have in our bank account, we still need a friend, so do i :D (this post goona be a longpost), i always thankful because i met them in my workplace, they are just like me a common fresh-graduate girl, they are Pipit, Mega and Nyoman they are my friends from test-interview era haha, Pipit, she's the closest friend among all, i met her (i still remember) in the second interview of getting this job, she's really friendly and kind, she's from majalengka and 2 years older than me, we talk about people we meet, all the funny things we could think of, and talk about her relationship with her boyfriend and her so-called boyfriend, she's also funny hahaha we've been through all the way together, and our place in the workplace is near. And there are Mega and nyoman, Mega she's the first friend i met in there, she's from cirebon, her gesture and voice similar with my junior mate nanda haha and they are also has the same hometown, she's funny too. About nyoman she's really calm and cute, in the first week of work four of us always going all over the workplace together, but with the time flies we're being apart because of the break-time, we don't have the same break-time so we only meet when the time work start and end. If they are my friend from the test-era i also met with some people intuitively, they are Nure, Melli, May, Tia, and Nur. Nure and Melli are pipit's coworkers so we often meet because i'm close with pipit yeah just like that and we're friends til now, about May, Tia and Nur it's really common, we see each other then i start to have conversation with them and walaaaaa we're friends hahaha xD it's really happy to meet them :D such a wonderful time and friends.
Woahh i talked to much. Well to the well, The point is this month is a valuable month i've ever had after "PKL" era hahaha xD
No pain No gain.
All the pain you had will makes you stronger.
Gonna end this post here..... byee
wait for the next story, will ya?
-xoxo monika
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Catatan Ketiga
One, two, three, four five, the bell is ringing.
i have to survive in this kind of feeling
i have to survive in this kind of feeling
This is monika speaking.
Tiring day, tiring week.
This 3rd week was the first time doing my overnight shift job and i had to stayed up all night. As i write this post i'm still a bit sleepy because for past few days(it's about 2/3 days) i've been slept for only 4 hours in a day. But don't be worry i'm okay over here heheh. You must be wondering what's this week story will be, am i right? well not very special because I keep thinking about quitting my job….. i feel like i'm suck.. and it's really painful for me to do this job over and over. So... this week story is still the same as the previous one, where i'm still in the adapting-zone but now more intense and closer ,sometimes i'm thinking about the changes in myself i don't know why but it's getting harder for me to get close to other people, i was a really easy going person and it's easier for me to get to know people but now seems like i'm not that easy-going person as i used to.It's just too awkward to start a conversation , i remember one of my coworker told me "come on get rub shoulders with the others, don't keep waiting someone to ask you to come, because you can join us whenever you feel bored". But still, i don't know how to join them, i mean it's not that easy they are older than me we don't have any similarity so what should i say to them? what is your favorite singer? what's you favorite artist? what kind of music do you listening? do you like K-pop? Hell no. So, to keep a distance from them i tried to focus only on my job there's nothing else.
In this week time goes faster than usual i have no idea about what's happened but in overnight shift time goes really fast, i swear (it's a good thing to be thankful. Since i don't like this job) hahaha. I worked from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m with one hour break, my more-like-leader always asked if i want to go to the toilet or not but i always refused and said i don't want to go to the toilet because i don't want to take a pee nor poop, and they were really confused because how can i hold to not pee for almost 8 hours long, hahaha.
As i said before, i'm gettnig close to every people around me, it was very nice because from that i got this one lesson:
Do not easily believe with what we see in person, because what we see outside is not always the same inside.
Yes! that's right what the wise people always said the only person you should believe is yourself, no one else.This is monika speaking.
Tiring day, tiring week.
This 3rd week was the first time doing my overnight shift job and i had to stayed up all night. As i write this post i'm still a bit sleepy because for past few days(it's about 2/3 days) i've been slept for only 4 hours in a day. But don't be worry i'm okay over here heheh. You must be wondering what's this week story will be, am i right? well not very special because I keep thinking about quitting my job….. i feel like i'm suck.. and it's really painful for me to do this job over and over. So... this week story is still the same as the previous one, where i'm still in the adapting-zone but now more intense and closer ,sometimes i'm thinking about the changes in myself i don't know why but it's getting harder for me to get close to other people, i was a really easy going person and it's easier for me to get to know people but now seems like i'm not that easy-going person as i used to.It's just too awkward to start a conversation , i remember one of my coworker told me "come on get rub shoulders with the others, don't keep waiting someone to ask you to come, because you can join us whenever you feel bored". But still, i don't know how to join them, i mean it's not that easy they are older than me we don't have any similarity so what should i say to them? what is your favorite singer? what's you favorite artist? what kind of music do you listening? do you like K-pop? Hell no. So, to keep a distance from them i tried to focus only on my job there's nothing else.
In this week time goes faster than usual i have no idea about what's happened but in overnight shift time goes really fast, i swear (it's a good thing to be thankful. Since i don't like this job) hahaha. I worked from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m with one hour break, my more-like-leader always asked if i want to go to the toilet or not but i always refused and said i don't want to go to the toilet because i don't want to take a pee nor poop, and they were really confused because how can i hold to not pee for almost 8 hours long, hahaha.
As i said before, i'm gettnig close to every people around me, it was very nice because from that i got this one lesson:
Do not easily believe with what we see in person, because what we see outside is not always the same inside.
(oh my gawdd suddenly my eyes feels soooo heavy i'm so sleeeeeepppppyyyy and i have to end this post right now)
Well , last but not least, i can only hope the best for me and my job, all i need now is strength and support.
Oh yea the opening of Yes or no 2.5has been released i really want to make a post about it but i don't have time, i hope i can make one. Aaaand the last news of EXO is now about Luhan that choose to out from EXO hmmm............... not a good news but hope the best for them.
I'll end this post here :) jalja
-xoxo monika
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Catatan kedua (Second Note- Adaptation)
This is monika speaking.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiii apa kabar? I hope you all had a great time. Amin
So, I’ve been doing this job for 2 weeks long. The progress is... so far so good, alhamdulillah, although there's always different story in every each day, and FYI it always made my heart stops everytime i go to my workplace (because i always worried about what would happen to me) but that's okay. So…… in this second weeks was the time for me adapted to the people around and the result is..... i, myself can finally open my heart for people around me *ceileh*. But sometimes my laziness still haven't properly adapted to this kind of new world, masih suka angot-angotan heuuuuuuhhh...... ya gitu it's like I’m not all-ready for this kind of stuff. But from here step by step i learn to be a good adult because in my opinion im just too childish for people at my age which's nice.
Just like what I’ve said in the previous post the people i met in my workplace are different from my friends but this is life, they are of course maturer yups, because 'the age factor' haha. Nevermind. Disetiap hal juga selalu ada dua sisi berbeda dari diri gue yang makin lama keliatan yaitu "the optimist and the pessimist" ya! when things hit me they are always in my mind fighting over each other and sometimes i almost dying inside for being crazy but they are the big affect for myself to choose every options and opportunities that life has given me. Which is nive HAHAHA
Oh yea today is Eid al Adha ! Selamat idul adha untuk para sapi dan kambing diluar sana :).
You must be wondering why i'm start posting every once a week and posting this kind of things, right? the reason is...... for this 3 months (mungkin) i only have one day free, from all of my work which is in every sunday so , that's why kemungkinan, the possibility every sunday i will come to here and tell my story well it's not that interesting story but the valuable one! so that (i hope) after 3 months i can reread all of my story here and take a look back of what i've done for this short time hahahaha brilliant rite?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You must be wondering why i'm start posting every once a week and posting this kind of things, right? the reason is...... for this 3 months (mungkin) i only have one day free, from all of my work which is in every sunday so , that's why kemungkinan, the possibility every sunday i will come to here and tell my story well it's not that interesting story but the valuable one! so that (i hope) after 3 months i can reread all of my story here and take a look back of what i've done for this short time hahahaha brilliant rite?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
So this time story is just like the quote above, it's all about the progress and i'm kinda agree with that, all we need to face the progress is adaptation, we need to adapt to everything around us and how we do that? by daring. Yes that's it. Sometimes is so hard for me to accept the things because, me everytime:
"this is not working ! this is not gonna be working."
But when i start to dare my self then there you go. We just need daring ourselves if we want to get out of all these shits. I know talk is easy but when it comes to the reality... well we can say it's quite complicated but if we believe and think about the good things that will come to us if we brave enough to handle all the struggle, trust me dengan sendirinya you adapted to it. Ya saya tau, i too still learning but at least i've ever felt and faced it. And it works. Pokoknya all the tears that fall down not wasted deh, because from that tears you learned to survive, there's always a good thing that waits for you, always.
xoxo -monika
[Lyrics] Demi Lovato - Really Don't care (Indonesian Translate)
I really love this song! Enjoy it :)
You wanna play, you wanna stay, you wanna have it all
You started messing with my head until I hit a wall
Maybe I shoulda known, maybe I shoulda known
That you would walk, you would walk out the door
Said we were done, you met someone and rubbed it in my face
Cut to the punch, she broke your heart, and then she ran away
I guess you shoulda known, I guess you shoulda known
That I would talk, I would talk
But even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies
Oh oh oh I really don't care
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Catatan pertama (First note)
'Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one'
— Bruce Lee
I'm Back.
I know you miss me hehe:D
Talking about the quote above, i just realized that bruce lee was right, never pray for an easy life because
life will never be easy, when you think your life's going easy there
are two things. First. You will never get a lesson. Second. Because you
have no lesson you'll never learn. Learning is the important thing for
human kind to keep alive in this reality, just like how could einstein
found that theory of relativity if he didn't learn how to solve it? why
we should go to school and have education? because our parents want us to learn
something in school that will make us become a better person in the future. How could
we walk if we never try to learn how to walk?
Hello! This Monika speaking. The previous one is not me. The person who typed the paragraph above is not me xD
I'm so happy and feel relieved right now because tonight and tomorrow i'm freeee ! No more back-breaking-job! because tomorrow i'm gonna stay at home and enjoy the moment. YEEAAAAAHHHHHH
So talking about what i have done in the past few days, there are millions tons of words i could tell you but i don't know if i can do it or not, so the only thought that came cross my mind every single time now is "reality is fucking cruel, reality is fucking cruel, reality is fucking cruel, reality is fucking cruel, reality is fucking cruel. " that words keep coming on my mind T_T okay i'm not gonna cry, but you know, this little girl need shoulder to lay this pity head on, and take a break! in my workplace i met new people who are different from what i've met in school. No! they're not being mean to me or i get scolded by them but, their gaze towards me makes feel uneasy every single time and moreover they really love mocking behind me, underestimate me and think some stupid shits about me, sometimes i wanna cry and tell them that i'm just like other people, i can do what other people do, but i can't . Everything turns out, become different from the old one, in the workplace there's no people who kinder than your school friends, and there's no people who more care than your bestfriend, all of them are careless, they don't give a fuck about you BUT if we talk about that talent "mocking behind someone' back" they are the winners. When they give their humiliating gaze towards me, there are only 2 options i have. One. I try to not give a shit and. Two. I try to accept it. But sometimes i choose both of them, first trying/pretending to not give a single fuck and then accept all those gazes and think that "i'm just popular and they really wanna know me". That's it, and in the end there are so many things i learned from that, for example
do not ever underestimate and humiliate someone by their weakness because, One. There's no people who worth to be humiliated and underestimated, Two. If we do it to a person we are more pathetic than that person.
And for me seeing someone do something harsh or bad to me is the sign for myself to never do that to other people because i know how the feel as being humiliated.
When you've been treated unfairly by someone:
Bad people will take a revenge by treating someone bad and do something harsh to other people.
Good people will take a lesson by never treat someone that way because they know how that feel.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Ed Sheeran - A team [Indonesian Translate]
Hello! this is monika speaking.
I've been listening some Ed Sheeran' songs lately, aaaand i love it! His voice is like breeze in the morning come to fill the lonely soul and warm those every cold and brittle heart out there~ So, here are the lyric aaand Indonesian translate. Hope you Enjoy it!
White lips, pale face
Breathing in snowflakes
Burnt lungs, sour taste
Light's gone, day's end
Struggling to pay rent
Long nights, strange men
And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
'Cause we're just under the upper hand
And go mad for a couple grams
And she don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
Angels to fly
Ripped gloves, raincoat
Tried to swim and stay afloat
Dry house, wet clothes
Loose change, bank notes
Weary-eyed, dry throat
Call girl, no phone
And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
'Cause we're just under the upper hand
And go mad for a couple grams
And she don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
An angel will die
Covered in white
Closed eye
And hoping for a better life
This time, we'll fade out tonight
Straight down the line
And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
They scream
The worst things in life come free to us
And we're all under the upper hand
Go mad for a couple grams
And we don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe we fly to the Motherland
Or sell love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
Angels to fly
To fly, fly
For angels to fly, to fly, to fly
For angels to die
Indonesian Translate
Terjemahan Indonesia
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Next Level
"Get ready to the next Level of this game called LIFE"
Hello this is monika at your service!
Miss me?
I’ve been very busy lately :D but that’s good because it means i have something to do, i'm no longer stay-at-home girl, which is usually i've spent by doing nothing . Recently, I was busy looking for a job, and now……. Alhamdulillah I got a job eventhou it’s not a job that I was hoping for but the good thing is i'm officially out of my comfort zone as a student and start to challenge myself . I met new people, new faces and new experience HAHAHAHAHAHA. And the only thing i know is..... that I AM A COWARD AND A PESSIMIST. Yes! i'm a pessimist and i don't know that i can be this pessimist. I'm too scared. Insecure. And full of worries but i'm very grateful that i have strong, and optimist parents. They always encouraged me whenever i'm down. They don't let me suffered alone because things getting harder, people become mean to me, worries will come to me everytime, and yes John Legend was right! He's Right! "The world is beating you down" and the only thing you should know that whenever you fall always remember you have to stand up and be okay because everthing will be aright in the end. I hope so. And i'm also glad to hear news about my friends where Ema and Loli ready for their college-life, Irma Rara and Lita fighting for the job they have just like me. LIME now is A group of Busy girls. Hope we can meet in the next time :)
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Selamat tanggal 11 September
WHOA! As today September 11th I’m officially 18! YEAAAAYYYY Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!
I’m so so HAPPY ^^! This year's different! SO different with another years ago, I celebrated my birthday with my family, my parents and my lil bro, this year also the first time I celebrate with happiness because as what i always wish to god, that i want my family back, AND YES! this year my family is back :D there's no war in home, no tears and the important thing is............... dad and mom remember that today is my birthday !!!!!!!!!! hehe :* (gak biasanya mereka ingat secepat itu) in the early morning when i haven't even wake up, they already talked about my birthday in the living room, talk about what gift they should give to me, well that means in this year my parents getting better than before and of course Alloh granted my wishes :D Allhamdulillah.
*coughs* well, so.... im now 18, and in this age i should be maturer than last year and of course be better than before (i hope so, amin) . I've been through so many meaningful moments of my life , and i'll never forget all those moments i've passed with laughs and tears, those moments that made me become the now Monika :D, i feel the significant changes in myself :D i can't tell what is like but i feel like......... i feel i'm becoming more mature in each year, and that's the good thing i should be grateful, and the only wish my father said to me was he hoped i'll soon get a better job and chase my dream :D
Talking about birthday, i also wanna share my last year birthday experience, that was the last time :'( i celebrated in school and the first and last time i blow candle in class, OMO! i suddenly miss that moment so muchhhh ❤❤ i still remember when the class tricked me and yah! Bu Dina! i got tricked by em' it was................. awkward, embarrassing and annoying moment HAHAHAHA thanks guys!
this is the pics taken from last year birthday.
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that was a great time :D
The point is i'm very grateful Alloh still give me the chance to live my life till this moment, and had given me so many things that i couldn't even tell, and i hope i can be better person, all the good things will come to me and may the luck always in my favor. Be stronger and more patient, and of course hope i can get a better life in the future AMEEEEEEEEN :D
Thursday, August 28, 2014
I'm not a hater
Hello ! Sorry for not posting anything lately hehe by the way i just saw a comment on one of my post about tina and knoon, and thanks for the anonymous who bravely made a short comment about my post , i'm really thankful because finally someone read my post (?) HAHAHA okay so here i just wanna clarify about something.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Lyric - Winner "Color Ring" (Romanization mudah untuk Pemula)
Hiii ini pertama kalinya nge romaniz lirik lagu hahaha, untuk kalian yang masih belibet kalo nyanyi lagu korea karena pelafalan nya ngeribetin, ini gue yang buat sendiri... dijamin AGAK lebih mudah dari biasanya. Karena ini khusus "Pelafalan" bukan berdasarkan "Penulisan" supaya mempermudah nyanyi, jadi ada beberapa kata dari hangul yang beda dari tulisan nya hehe seperti "왜" seharusnya ditulis "Wae" tapi kalo di baca "we" jadi ya ditulisnya "we" hehehehe xD
위너 - 컬러링
WINNER - Color Ring
하늘은 파랗게 아름답기만 한데
Haneuneun parahke... areumdapgiman hande
내 모습은 왜 이렇게 초라해져만 가 왜
ne moseubeun we ireohke.. chorahe...jyeoman ga we
대답 없는 전화기만 붙잡고
dedab eobneun jeonhwagiman butjapgo
흘러나오는 노랜 감미롭기만 한데
heureonaon neun nore gammiropgiman hande
내 귀에는 왜 이렇게 아프게만 들려 왜
ne gwi-e-neun we ireohke apeugeman deryeo we
널 잃어버린 내 마음에 비명처럼
neol irhoborin ne mame bimyeong chorom
널 향한 내 그리움 너머로 들려오는 노래는
neol hyanghan ne geurium deulyeouneun noreneun
이런 날 비웃는 걸까 같은 자리만 벌써 몇 번째
ireon nal biutneun geolka gateun jariman.... bolso myeo bonjje
나는 왜 이제서야
naneun we ijesoya
날 떠나버린 왜 이제서야
nal ddonaborin weijesoya
이렇게 이 노래의
ireohke i nore yeah
슬픈 마지막을 듣고 있어
seulpeun majimageu deut go isseo
왜 이제서야
we ijesoya
내 곁에 없는 왜 이제서야
ne gyeote omneun we ijesoya
이렇게 이 노래의
ireohke i nore yeah
슬픈 노랫말에 울고 있어
seulpeun noremare ulgo isseo
날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring ring
nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring
날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring ring
nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring
Ring ring 침대 옆에서 울리고 있을 전화
Ring ring cimde yeopeso ulligo isseul jeonhwa
제발 좀 받아봐 나까지 울리지는 마
jebal jom badabwa nagaji ullijineun ma
(이번이 마지막 마지막 하면서 다시 또 걸어본다)
(ibeoni majimag majimag hamyeonseo dasi tdo gorobunda)
우리 같이 걷던 추억 그 길 위를 다시 걸어본다
uri gati getdan cuok geu gil wireul dashi gorobunda
아직도 귀에 맴돌아 너의 웃음소리
ajigdo gwie memdola no-i uteumsori
새벽 전화기 넘어 속삭이던 사랑놀이
sebyok jeonhwagi neomo soksakidon saramnori
이젠 들을 수 도 없게 붙잡을 수 도 없게
ijen dereul su do eobge butjapeul su do eobge
날 막는 이 멜로디가 야속해도 다시 또 전화를 거네
nan makneun melodiga ya sokhedo dashi tdo jeonhwareul geono
널 향한 내 그리움 너머로 들려오는 노래가
nal hyanghan ne geurium deullyeouneun norega
나에 대한 답인 걸까 같은 자리만 벌써 몇 번 째
naye dehan dabin geolkka gateun jariman.... bolso myeot bonjje
나는 왜 이제서야
naneun we ijesoya
날 떠나버린 왜 이제서야
nal deonaborin we ijesoya
이렇게 이 노래의
ireohke i nore yeah
슬픈 마지막을 듣고 있어
seulpeun majimageu deut go isseo
왜 이제서야
we ijesoya
내 곁에 없는 왜 이제서야
ne gyeote omneun we ijesoya
이렇게 이 노래의
ireohke i nore yeah
슬픈 노랫말에 울고 있어
seulpeun noremare ulgo isseo
그때 네 손 잡았더라면 뒤돌아선 널 붙잡았다면
keutde no son jabadoramyoen dwidoraseon nol butjapatdamyeon
지금쯤 이 노래 대신 그리운 너의 목소릴 듣고 있겠지
jigeumjjeum i nore dashin geurimun noye moksoril deut go itketji
내가 좀 더 잘했더라면
nega jom do jarhetdoramyeon
너에게 내가 좀 더 잘했더라면
noyege nega jom do jarhetdoramyeon
지금쯤 이 슬픈 노래 대신
jigeumjeum i seulpeun nore dashin
따뜻한 너의 목소릴
ta deuthan noye moksoril
(날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring ring)
(nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring)
노래가 끝나 갈 수록 내 맘은 무너지고
norega keutna gal suok ne mameun munojigo
(날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring ring)
(nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring)
노래가 반복 될 수록 눈물은 번져가고
norega balmok dwil surok nunmeureun bojogago
(날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring ring)
(nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring)
시간이 갈수록 네 목소린 기억나지 않아
shigani galsurok ne moksoril giyeoknaji ana
(날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring)
(nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring)
hanmadirado joh euni PLEASE SAY GOOD BYE
WINNER - Color Ring
하늘은 파랗게 아름답기만 한데
Haneuneun parahke... areumdapgiman hande
내 모습은 왜 이렇게 초라해져만 가 왜
ne moseubeun we ireohke.. chorahe...jyeoman ga we
대답 없는 전화기만 붙잡고
dedab eobneun jeonhwagiman butjapgo
흘러나오는 노랜 감미롭기만 한데
heureonaon neun nore gammiropgiman hande
내 귀에는 왜 이렇게 아프게만 들려 왜
ne gwi-e-neun we ireohke apeugeman deryeo we
널 잃어버린 내 마음에 비명처럼
neol irhoborin ne mame bimyeong chorom
널 향한 내 그리움 너머로 들려오는 노래는
neol hyanghan ne geurium deulyeouneun noreneun
이런 날 비웃는 걸까 같은 자리만 벌써 몇 번째
ireon nal biutneun geolka gateun jariman.... bolso myeo bonjje
나는 왜 이제서야
naneun we ijesoya
날 떠나버린 왜 이제서야
nal ddonaborin weijesoya
이렇게 이 노래의
ireohke i nore yeah
슬픈 마지막을 듣고 있어
seulpeun majimageu deut go isseo
왜 이제서야
we ijesoya
내 곁에 없는 왜 이제서야
ne gyeote omneun we ijesoya
이렇게 이 노래의
ireohke i nore yeah
슬픈 노랫말에 울고 있어
seulpeun noremare ulgo isseo
날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring ring
nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring
날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring ring
nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring
Ring ring 침대 옆에서 울리고 있을 전화
Ring ring cimde yeopeso ulligo isseul jeonhwa
제발 좀 받아봐 나까지 울리지는 마
jebal jom badabwa nagaji ullijineun ma
(이번이 마지막 마지막 하면서 다시 또 걸어본다)
(ibeoni majimag majimag hamyeonseo dasi tdo gorobunda)
우리 같이 걷던 추억 그 길 위를 다시 걸어본다
uri gati getdan cuok geu gil wireul dashi gorobunda
아직도 귀에 맴돌아 너의 웃음소리
ajigdo gwie memdola no-i uteumsori
새벽 전화기 넘어 속삭이던 사랑놀이
sebyok jeonhwagi neomo soksakidon saramnori
이젠 들을 수 도 없게 붙잡을 수 도 없게
ijen dereul su do eobge butjapeul su do eobge
날 막는 이 멜로디가 야속해도 다시 또 전화를 거네
nan makneun melodiga ya sokhedo dashi tdo jeonhwareul geono
널 향한 내 그리움 너머로 들려오는 노래가
nal hyanghan ne geurium deullyeouneun norega
나에 대한 답인 걸까 같은 자리만 벌써 몇 번 째
naye dehan dabin geolkka gateun jariman.... bolso myeot bonjje
나는 왜 이제서야
naneun we ijesoya
날 떠나버린 왜 이제서야
nal deonaborin we ijesoya
이렇게 이 노래의
ireohke i nore yeah
슬픈 마지막을 듣고 있어
seulpeun majimageu deut go isseo
왜 이제서야
we ijesoya
내 곁에 없는 왜 이제서야
ne gyeote omneun we ijesoya
이렇게 이 노래의
ireohke i nore yeah
슬픈 노랫말에 울고 있어
seulpeun noremare ulgo isseo
그때 네 손 잡았더라면 뒤돌아선 널 붙잡았다면
keutde no son jabadoramyoen dwidoraseon nol butjapatdamyeon
지금쯤 이 노래 대신 그리운 너의 목소릴 듣고 있겠지
jigeumjjeum i nore dashin geurimun noye moksoril deut go itketji
내가 좀 더 잘했더라면
nega jom do jarhetdoramyeon
너에게 내가 좀 더 잘했더라면
noyege nega jom do jarhetdoramyeon
지금쯤 이 슬픈 노래 대신
jigeumjeum i seulpeun nore dashin
따뜻한 너의 목소릴
ta deuthan noye moksoril
(날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring ring)
(nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring)
노래가 끝나 갈 수록 내 맘은 무너지고
norega keutna gal suok ne mameun munojigo
(날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring ring)
(nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring)
노래가 반복 될 수록 눈물은 번져가고
norega balmok dwil surok nunmeureun bojogago
(날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring ring)
(nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring)
시간이 갈수록 네 목소린 기억나지 않아
shigani galsurok ne moksoril giyeoknaji ana
(날 닮은 컬러링 ring ring ring)
(nal dalmeun color ring ring ring ring)
hanmadirado joh euni PLEASE SAY GOOD BYE
Selamat bertambah umur Indonesia!
Tujuh Belas agustus tahun 45
Itulah hari kemerdekaan kita
Hari merdeka, nusa dan bangsa
Hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia
Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka!
Selama hayat masih dikandung badan
Kita tetap setia, tetap sedia
Mempertahankan Indonesia
Kita tetap setia, tetap sedia
Membela negara kita
Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke- 69 !!!!!
Woooohooooo! Tepat 69 tahun yang lalu negara tercinta ini mensahkan dirinya sebagai sebuah negara , kalo digambarkan sebagai manusia, berarti Indonesia ini sudah masuk kategori Lanjut Usia, bisa jadi sudah pensiun dari pekerjaan nya, mempunyai cucu dan mungkin sudah saat nya uncang-uncang kaki dirumah menikmati masa tua :D. Tapi sayang nya Indonesia tidak seperti itu, justru Indonesia saat ini bagaikan seorang manusia umur 20 tahunan (?) haha yang sedang giat-giat nya membangun diri, mengembangkan kemampuan serta belajar dari pengalaman untuk terus maju!
Sudah hampir (mungkin) 8 tahun belakangan ini gue ga ngerayain 17-an diluar, karena masalah umur dan tidak adanya keberanian yang membuat gue ga mengkuti kegiatan perlombaan yang biasanya di lakukan di RT :D and now i'm kinda miss that moment :( tapi sebenernya gue bukan tipe anak ang hiperaktif sih yang setiap perlombaan dengan antusias nya ikutan, gue inget banget pertama kali gue ikutan lomba dan itu juga untuk terakhir kalinya, kira-kira pas umur gue 10 tahun gue ikut lomba "masukin benang kedalam jarum" dan pada saat itu juga gue jadi juara pertama! HAHAHAHA iya Juara pertama, dan dapet hadiah 3 buku dan 4 pensil. Karena waktu kecil itu (dibawah umur 10) ga ada yang namanya keberanian gue buat ikutan, sumpah waktu kecil itu gue pemalu abis tapi aneh nya gue juga bukan tipe yang susah bersosialisasi sama orang.
Well, gue ga mau ngomongin tentang masa lalu karena.... masa lalu biarlah masa lalu~ (back sound inul daratista-masa lalu) yak! Tradisi dirumah kalo pas tanggal 17 itu yang pasti gue bangun pagi buat nyaksiin Upacara Bendera di istana negara yang ditayangin di TV, entah ya ini gue ddoang atau gimana tapi yang jelas gue ga pernah ninggalin buat nonton itu, tapi sedih juga tahun ini gue lewatin acara itu karena gue pergi :( NAH! ini nih yang mau gue ceritain(?) 17 Agustus Ini gue pergi sama nyokap keliling daerah Jakarta Timur buat ngeliat perlombaan-perlombaan yang diadain disetiap RT(?) Rajin banget ya gue HAHAHA BOHONG DEH.... gue pergi kerumah temen nyokap daerah Jak-tim dan disepanjang perjalanan itu berisik dengan suara-suara perlombaan, anak kecil dan sebagainya, pokoknya sepanjang perjalanan ga ada deh kampung-kampung yang ga ngadain itu! Hebat deh buat rakyat Indonesia! Bendera merah putih pun berkibaran dimana-mana mulai dari yang kecil sampe yang segede badan nya ultraman! Tapi sayang ga sempet buat dokumentasiin jadi cuma ini aja deh :)
Kalo bilang Orang indonesia ga punya rasa nasionalisme, mungkin anda salah besar karena nasionalisme itu ga ahanya di tunjukkan dengan hal yang besar tetapi dengan ikut serta berpartisipasi meramaikan negara di saat 17 agustus-an aja itu juga udah sangat bagus artinya ada kemauan serta pemikiran untuk jangan sampai melupakan negara kita tercinta ini.
Dirgahayu negriku! Jayalah Indonesia! MERDEKA!!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Rekomendasi film Thailand wajib tonton!
Halo semua apa kabar? Udah lama ga nulis pake bahasa Indonesia haha xD Oke kali ini mau review tentang beberapa film Thailand.
Oke.. mmm…. Gak vaccum cleaner kok sayang :D cuma lagi bête aja dirumah gak ngapa-ngapain jadi nyantol ke sini hehehe xD oke kali ini ada beberapa film Thailand yang menurut gue bagus dan… ya lumayan lah dari pada lumuntah. Yang gue suka dari film Thailand itu mereka hampir sama kaya Jepang kalo bikin film itu gak lebay gak kaya korea selatan maupun Negara tanah airku Indonesia tercinta ini. Beberapa film yang berhasil gue tonton pun itu semuanya simple tapi ngena, terus mereka juga pinter masukin lelucon didalam film. OH GITU, OH YA MON?? KAI APA KABAR? EXO APA KABAR? LO SUKA THAILAND TAPI GAK LUPA SAMA KPOP KAN? YA KAN?
Eh? KAI? KAI siapa? Kereta Api Indonesia? Oh yang buka lowongan kerja itu ya? oh iya tau, tau kok tapi gue ga ngelamar disana…………..
Oke.. mmm…. Gak vaccum cleaner kok sayang :D cuma lagi bête aja dirumah gak ngapa-ngapain jadi nyantol ke sini hehehe xD oke kali ini ada beberapa film Thailand yang menurut gue bagus dan… ya lumayan lah dari pada lumuntah. Yang gue suka dari film Thailand itu mereka hampir sama kaya Jepang kalo bikin film itu gak lebay gak kaya korea selatan maupun Negara tanah airku Indonesia tercinta ini. Beberapa film yang berhasil gue tonton pun itu semuanya simple tapi ngena, terus mereka juga pinter masukin lelucon didalam film. OH GITU, OH YA MON?? KAI APA KABAR? EXO APA KABAR? LO SUKA THAILAND TAPI GAK LUPA SAMA KPOP KAN? YA KAN?
Eh? KAI? KAI siapa? Kereta Api Indonesia? Oh yang buka lowongan kerja itu ya? oh iya tau, tau kok tapi gue ga ngelamar disana…………..
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Aloha !
"I thought life would be easy but I was wrong…. "
I always remember the sentence my teacher’ once ever said to me, the first time I met her in TKJ’ Lab and it was also my first time came to Lab “school is just a dream, when you’re still in school it means you still dreaming, once you leave this school that time you’re wake up from your dream”.
I just figured out her words NOW , school is the easiest part of our lives, all you need is just go to that place, you don’t need anything else. Teacher is the kindest boss you’ve ever had. No doubt, they called “the second parents”. There is No worries. The Teachers ALWAYS give you the second chance for all the mistakes you’ve done. You met your real friend(s) make a lot of memories with them. From school you know everything, knowing all types of people, figured out your true friends, even you figured out your true self. Graduated from high school is not the end, but is just a beginning! And I have to tell you that I JUST WOKE UP FROM MY SLEEP. MY LONG SLEEP.
Graduated from high school and being unemployed for almost 3 months has made me thinking a lot. Of what exactly happens to me, I didn’t pass the university test, my only hope for being college student was all failed and blurr, looking for a job is not that easy, not as easy as I thought. I feel like it’s better for me to die young. Life’s getting hard each day
I just figured out her words NOW , school is the easiest part of our lives, all you need is just go to that place, you don’t need anything else. Teacher is the kindest boss you’ve ever had. No doubt, they called “the second parents”. There is No worries. The Teachers ALWAYS give you the second chance for all the mistakes you’ve done. You met your real friend(s) make a lot of memories with them. From school you know everything, knowing all types of people, figured out your true friends, even you figured out your true self. Graduated from high school is not the end, but is just a beginning! And I have to tell you that I JUST WOKE UP FROM MY SLEEP. MY LONG SLEEP.
Graduated from high school and being unemployed for almost 3 months has made me thinking a lot. Of what exactly happens to me, I didn’t pass the university test, my only hope for being college student was all failed and blurr, looking for a job is not that easy, not as easy as I thought. I feel like it’s better for me to die young. Life’s getting hard each day
Be grateful for what you have now :)
-xoxo monika
Monday, August 4, 2014
hhh.... facebook
I’m getting tired of facebook
Getting tired of facebook? Now? Why now? Where are you when other people got tired of it for like a long time ago, where have you been, mon? did you just woke up from death or something?
Well… its not like that, its just.... some people on my timeline TODAY are really disgusting i mean, they're buzzing ga jelas, show-off, post a shitty status about how miserable their life is, bragging about something that they maybe-have. Facebook nowadays is full of people who you really want to punch in the face, like they're telling about their not-so-important life, what they're doing now, attention whore everywhere, they think that people really care about them, they turn into some pieces of shit . AND I'M REALLY REALLY TIRED. Can some people just stop posting about useless things? because not all of people like it, just like me i don't really want to know about what's going on to them.
Getting tired of facebook? Now? Why now? Where are you when other people got tired of it for like a long time ago, where have you been, mon? did you just woke up from death or something?
Well… its not like that, its just.... some people on my timeline TODAY are really disgusting i mean, they're buzzing ga jelas, show-off, post a shitty status about how miserable their life is, bragging about something that they maybe-have. Facebook nowadays is full of people who you really want to punch in the face, like they're telling about their not-so-important life, what they're doing now, attention whore everywhere, they think that people really care about them, they turn into some pieces of shit . AND I'M REALLY REALLY TIRED. Can some people just stop posting about useless things? because not all of people like it, just like me i don't really want to know about what's going on to them.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Tina Jittaleela With Knoon
Love means giving the happiness and affection to each other. As many of us saying that love has no limits . It doesn’t matter with whom we fall in love as long as that person is the right one, why not?
I’m so saaaaaaddddd and heartbroken *burst out tears*(lebay haha) you know recently, some people on the internet and some sources were talking about tina and knoon getting back together but there’s still no confirmation about it, but but but but someone on instagram made everything up like nothing’s happen , she innocently uploaded a picture where tina and knoon in it and the caption was so hard to believe T______T
Friday, August 1, 2014
Pulkam 2014
Hiiiiii ^^~ finally i'm in home yeay! after visiting my grandparents house in banten. fiuuhh... been 2 days in there has made my body stronger than before, because their house is in the top of one of the mountain in a mountain range so we had to walk-more-like-climbing from a house to another house. Yes quite tiring but it's not a big deal :). This Year pulkam was different from last year because , last year were only me and my dad who went to there but this time all of us (my family members) went together, that's the important thing. The place is more like mountain-village so the air is fresher than in bekasi, tress everywhere, people were so nice and polite.
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i took this pic in the middle of trip |
they have some kind of traditions to celebrate eid mubarak and for me it's quite different and rare to do in such an event because they held a contests just like the contests when we as indonesian do when celebrate our independent day! such as : panjat pinang, makan kerupuk, pecahin balon. hahaha
well i can't tell you more about my trip because we didn't go to anyer beach or some tourists area because of the traffic! it was crowded and impossible for us to go there so we stayed at home and after 2 days we went to Bekasi so there's nothing to tell about.
But it was actually quite good and we were really having fun ^^~
xoxo -monika
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